Open Short Term Enrollment Submitted Without An Existing Open Primary Enrollment Or The Short Term Enrollment School Start Date Is Before The Primary Enrollment School Start Date
SeverityError Description
Open short term enrollment submitted without an existing open primary enrollment or the short term enrollment School Start Date is before the primary enrollment School Start Date
Primary Enrollments are defined as: - Enrollment Status = “10” (Primary); - Enrollment Status = “30” (Short Term), and the enrollment period exceeds 30 days; Note: Enrollments with a N470 (NoShowOther) exit and a Enrollment Exit Date equal to or one day prior to the Enrollment Start Date are NOT considered Primary Enrollments."
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the Error: The batch SENR or online submission contains an OPEN short-term enrollment for a SSID for which: i) CALPADS ODS does not have a Primary Enrollment record for the SSID OR ii) Submitted School Start Date for the short-term enrollment is BEFORE the School Start Date of the existing Primary Enrollment in CALPADS ODS Things to check for in submission: Verify the following fields contained in the submissions against CALPADS Enrollment History of the student: 1.23 - Student School Start Date 1.24 - Enrollment Status Code 1.26 - Student School Exit Date Suggested Resolution: 1) If one or more of the Fields Validated is incorrect, correct the data. OR 2) Verify any discrepancies in the Enrollment History data contained in Local SIS vs CALPADS and make appropriate corrections. For more information, refer to "CALPADS SSID and Enrollment Procedures" document available at 3) As necessary, contact the other LEA, work with vendor or update CALPADS with correct enrollment information
Fields Validated
1.23 - Student School Start Date
1.24 - Enrollment Status Code
1.26 - Student School Exit Date
Headache Factor

0185 - CALPADS - Enrollment - ERROR - FALL 1 - Primary Enrollment - SENR - SENR0185 - Short Term Enrollment - Start Date - STUDENT - Student Data - Student Enrollment - Student Information
Solution Rating