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Tagged with: Student Course Section


No student course section data were submitted for an enrolled student with enrollment status of Primary, excluding Students with Disabilities on IEPs enrolled at the District Level that are not in participating Adult Age Students with Disabilities in Transition Status programs

English Translation:  You have a student enrolled in your school on Census Day (first Wednesday of October), but there is no student course section information in the system yet.  You must upload an SCSE file that has at least one course associated to this student.  You will continue to get this CERT error until that is resolved.


No End of Year student course section data were submitted for an enrolled student with enrollment status of Primary


Field length does not match Calpads File Specifications


A required field for the submitted Record Type is missing


The value provided for the field is not a valid value from the CALPADS Code Sets


Student must be enrolled in the School of Attendance during the Academic Year specified


Code submitted outside the effective date range.


The value provided for the field is not a valid CALPADS Transaction Type Code


Two or more records with the same SSID (duplicate) must not be submitted as completing the same course section within the same Marking Period

SCSE0001 / SCSC0001

8.04 Reporting LEA

SCSE0007 / SCSC0007

SSID must be a valid CALPADS SSID in the ODS.

In other words, you are submitting a file with an SSID # (State Student Identifier Number) that is not recognized yet by CALPADS.  It is either a typo in your SIS system, or the SSID # may have been recently retired, or there is some other error.

SCSE0008 / SCSC0008

1.08 - SSID

1.17 - Student Birth Date

1.18 - Student Gender Code

SCSE0009 / SCSC0009

Field must only contain Alphabetic letters, numbers, periods, hyphens and apostrophes.

These letters and characters are valid:

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t y v w x y z


1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 0 . - ' 

Any other ascii code characters will be rejected.  Check for hidden characters.

SCSE0069 / SCSC0069

Student Gender Code and Student Date of Birth Year must equal existing ODS Student Gender Code and Student Date of Birth Year in the latest SINF record

SCSE0072 / SCSC0072

If SSID is retired and Student Gender Code and Student Date of Birth Year in file do not match Student Gender Code and Student Date of Birth Year of current SSID in ODS Then do not replace SSID's Student Course Section

SCSE0128 / SCSC0128

CRS-State Course Code and Grade Level must be a valid combination. See table below:

SCSE0139 / SCSC0139

Student Course Section record must have a corresponding Course Section record

SCSE0199 / SCSC0199

School of Course Delivery must not be an NPS school

SCSE0201 / SCSC0201

School should be open during Academic Year reported

SCSE0222 / SCSC0222

Two or more of the same SSIDs (duplicate) must not be submitted in a student course section submission as enrolled in a single course section

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