Tagged with: Certification
A student has no Ethnicity/Race data.
A school's total Special Education program participants has either increased or decreased significantly from the previous year's count.
The district's number of students who are identified as "English Learners" has either significantly increased or significantly decreased from last year to this year.CERT047
A course section includes a SEID for which there is no valid teaching assignment information.
The sum of total enrollment for course sections grouped by Class ID should not be greater than 50
No course section data was submitted for a student with Enrollment Status of Secondary or Short Term.
When the "Multiple Teacher Code" is populated "true", you must have two or more Course Section records with the same Class ID and different SEIDS for the same Course Section. In other words, you have set up a course to be taught by more than one teacher, but you have only created a single course section record where there should be two.
Staff Demographics was reported for a SEID that has no Staff Assignments.
The Education Program Membership Start and End Date range for Transitional Kindergarten Program (185) record is outside of normal range of participation for this program.
Note: This error was re-activated in May of 2017.
Data must follow rules for the field type specified in the CALPADS File Specifications (CFS)
A required field for the submitted Records Type is missing.
Code submitted outside the effective date range
The submitted record attempts to delete a record that does not exist in CALPADS.