Value Not Consistent With Field Type
SeverityError Description
Data must follow rules for the field type specified in the CALPADS File Specifications (CFS)
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the Error: The CALPADS File Specifications (CFS) document designates the format for each field type submitted in a file. One or more of the fields are not in the required format.
Things to check for in submission: Verify that the fields listed in the Fields Validated column are in the required format, as follows: - If Field Type = CS, each character in the field must be in the Character String character set defined in the CFS - If Field Type = DT, each character in the field must be a number or a forward slash (/) - If Field Type = NU, each character in the field must be a number or a decimal point (.)
If you are experiencing these errors it is highly likely that you have inadvertantly altered the approved format that your SIS or SEIS systems are generating. Since the import formats are known, each system is set to match those formats. But if a user downloads a file from their SIS sytem and then alters it, it could trigger this result.
Suggested Resolution:
1) See for the "CALPADS File Specifications" document to identify the field type for a field.
2) Correct data to adhere to field type format rules
3) Notify the vendor of your SIS or SEIS system - it is possible that the file format has changed and the vendor has not yet made the adjustment to their file exports.
Fields Validated
All fields
Headache Factor

0004 - CALPADS - Certification - Enrollment - Error - Fall 1 - Field Type - FRMT - FRMT0004 - SENR - Student - Student Enrollment
Solution Rating