Code Submitted Outside The Effective Date Range
SeverityFATAL error - Must be corrected in order to post the record and/or certify your data.
Error Description
Code submitted outside the effective date range
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the Error:
The values that can be submitted in a field must be effective in CALPADS. The submitted file contains values that are no longer accepted by CALPADS.
Things to check for in submission: Determine if the code value is "retired."
Suggested Resolution: 1) See for the "CALPADS Code Sets" document and for the code value's effective dates.
OR 2) If file produced from local SIS, contact vendor/technical resource to determine the reason for using expired value(s) and to determine how to resolve the problem.
Fields Validated
All SENR fields in the CALPADS Code Sets document
Headache Factor

0007 - CALPADS - Certification - Code Submitted - Code Value - Enrollment - Error - Fall 1 - GERR - GERR0007 - SENR - Student - Student Enrollment
Solution Rating