Value Not Found In Reference Set
SeverityError Description
The value provided for the field is not a valid value from the CALPADS Code Sets
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the Error: The values that can be submitted in a field must be recognized by CALPADS as one of a set of values that are valid for the field. The submitted file contains values that are not valid. Things to check for in submission: Verify that the fields listed in the Fields Validated column are included in the submitted file
Suggested Resolution: 1) See for the CALPADS Code Sets and File Specifications documents and the "CALPADS File Specifications" document for required fields.
2) If file produced from local SIS, contact vendor/technical resource to determine the reason for missing field(s) and to determine how to resolve the problem.
Fields Validated
All CRSE or CRSC fields in the CALPADS Code Sets document
Headache Factor