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English Language Proficiency Assessments for California Monthly Communication


General ELPAC Information Upcoming TOMS Systems Downtime As part of the transition to the 2019–20 school year, the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) will experience downtime from Tuesday, August 27 at 5 p.m. through Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at 8 a.m. The new Test Operations Management System (TOMS) interface will be available on September 3, 2019. During the downtime, LEAs may administer all domains of the Initial ELPAC except Listening in grades three through twelve. LEAs can administer Speaking—Summarize an Academic Presentation by reading aloud the recorded audio script provided in the Examiner's Manual. The Local Scoring Tool and all audio recorded files will be available in MyT...

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Assessment Spotlight for July 31, 2019


Focusing on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System and English Language Proficiency Assessments of California (ELPAC)—and including, when timely, updates on California's other statewide assessments. Accessing Individual Student Score Reports in TOMS Local educational agency (LEA) CAASPP and ELPAC coordinators can access, print, or save an individual 2018–19 Student Score Report (SSR) through the Test Operations Management System (TOMS). To download an individual SSR: Log on to TOMS. Search for an individual student. Select the magnifying glass icon in the Actions column. Select the Reporting tab on the Student Profile page. Select the link to the SSR PD...

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(ELPAC) Monthly Communication - July 2019


Dear LEA ELPAC Coordinator: As you administer the 2019–20 Initial and Summative English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC), Educational Testing Service (ETS) is helping to support you and your local educational agency (LEA) by providing key information. General ELPAC Information Upcoming TOMS Systems Downtime As part of the transition to the 2019–20 school year, ELPAC Test Operations Management System (TOMS) will experience downtime from 6 a.m. Monday, July 1 through 8 a.m. Monday, July 8, 2019. The new Test Operations Management System (TOMS) interface, MyTOMS, will be available on July 8, 2019 for the 2019–20 ELPAC administration. During that time, LEAs may administer ...

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Assessment Spotlight - June 26, 2019


 Assessment Spotlight Focusing on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System and English Language Proficiency Assessments of California (ELPAC)—and including, when timely, updates on California's other statewide assessments. CAASPP Post-Test Guide Available on CAASPP Portal The 2018–19 CAASPP Post-Test Guide has been posted on both the Manuals and Instructions web page and the Score Reporting web page of the CAASPP Portal. This guide provides an overview of each assessment, information and guidelines for interpreting and comparing results, and descriptions of the features of the Student Score Report (SSR) for each subject area as well as additional res...

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CAASPP Announces "MyTOMS" Interface.


Dear LEA CAASPP Coordinator or LEA ELPAC Coordinator: Based on feedback from coordinators, the ELPAC Test Operations Management System (TOMS) and CAASPP TOMS have been integrated into a new and improved system, called MyTOMS. The new MyTOMS will be available for the 2019–20 administrations of both CAASPP and ELPAC according to the following schedule: July 8, 2019—ELPAC functions available within MyTOMS September 3, 2019—CAASPP functions available within MyTOMS During this time between July 8 and September 3, 2019, ELPAC TOMS can be accessed by selecting the [TOMS] button on the ELPAC website at CAASPP users will continue to access CAASPP TOMS in the current interface,...

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Updated ELPAC Summative Cut Scores


​The cut scores in the manual are incorrect.  These are the updated ELPAC Summative Scale Scores as of 5/31/2019.  

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Assessment Spotlight - May 29, 2019


Assessment Spotlight Focusing on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System and English Language Proficiency Assessments of California (ELPAC)—and including, when timely, updates on California's other statewide assessments. ELPAC Administrations Winding Down As both the Summative and Initial ELPAC administration windows come to a close—on May 31 for the Summative, and on June 30 for the Initial—we offer these tips to help local educational agencies (LEAs) with the details of closing the 2018–19 administrations: To ensure that Summative ELPAC materials arrive at testing contractor Educational Testing Service (ETS) in time for scoring, all Answer Books must b...

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English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) Monthly Communication


Dear LEA ELPAC Coordinator: As you administer the 2018–19 and 2019–20 Initial and Summative ELPAC, Educational Testing Service (ETS) is helping to support you and your local educational agency (LEA) by providing key information. URGENT: Actions Required 2018–19 Post-Test—Summative ELPAC Test Materials Return Instructions In order to ensure that your test materials arrive in time for scoring, all Answer Books must be picked up by United Parcel Service (UPS) from your location by June 14, 2019; therefore, requests for pick up must be made prior to that day. Consider this date when planning to return your test materials, and allow enough time to account for shipping so that test materials arriv...

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Assessment Spotlight - May 2, 2019


 Focusing on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System and English Language Proficiency Assessments of California (ELPAC)—and including, when timely, updates on California's other statewide assessments. New for Families: Starting Smarter Websites On April 25, the California Department of Education (CDE), in collaboration with the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and Educational Testing Service, launched two new websites to help empower parents/guardians and families to become partners in their children's academic success: Starting Smarter for the CAASPP Starting Smarter for the ELPAC These family-focused websites provide resources to facilitate ...

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Assessment Spotlight April 25, 2019


Focusing on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System and English Language Proficiency Assessments of California (ELPAC)—and including, when timely, updates on California's other statewide assessments. New for CAASPP and ELPAC: "Get Involved" Web Pages! Are you interested in getting involved in the continuing development of the CAASPP and the ELPAC? We need input from California educators, and it is now much easier for you to find out about the activities the California Department of Education (CDE) has scheduled and to let us know which ones hold your interest! To learn about upcoming activities, visit our new Get Involved web pages: CAASPP Opportunities ...

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Using ELPAC data in CALPADS

 August 2018 "Data for the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) in CALPADS presentation.

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ELPAC Networking Meeting - LACOE 12/12/18

  Please see the attached flyer for information about the ELPAC Networking Meeting being held on December 12, 2018. Location: Los Angeles County Office of Education 9300 Imperial Highway, Education Center Room 107 Downey, CA 90242 Time: 9am – 11:30 am Registration link: Thank you. 

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California Student Data Day!


The Santa Clara County Office of Education is hosting a full-day statewide conference on October 15, 2018 in San Jose.  The focus of the conference is "examining the use of data to impact student achievement and support.  There is a $100 fee but also an early-bird discount if you register before September 15th, 2018. The Keynote is Victoria Bernhardt, an expert in student data and assessment (I own a couple of her books).   From the announcement: Who Attends:Those who attend will explore all facets of the use of data as a means of supporting student success in the classroom, including superintendents, school and district administrators, counselors, teacher leaders, and distric...

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CAASPP System Release Dates for 2018-19


Enter your text here ... Dear LEA CAASPP Coordinator: Components of the CAASPP System are released at different times throughout the year. As you set up your local educational agency’s (LEA’s) test administration window and finalize your planning for another successful administration, please keep the following dates in mind: Date Release Milestone September 4, 2018 ·         Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments will be available. September 17, 2018 ·         The California Spanish Assessment (CSA) field test will be available. (Note that the window for the field test closes on October 12...

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Data for the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) in CALPADS - August 2018


File Name: ELPAC-and-CALPADS-Webinar File Size: 1.2 mb Download File This is the PowerPoint presentation for the "Data for the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) in CALPADS" webinar from last week. August 2018 

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Assessment Spotlight - Issue 5, August 1, 2018


Editor's Note:  We routinely repost messages from the CDE that are marked as "Please share with educators"  Focusing on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System and English Language Proficiency Assessments of California (ELPAC)—and including, when timely, updates on California’s other statewide assessments. August’s Featured Digital Library Resource—“Exploring Pi with ‘Sir Cumference’” This month’s featured Digital Library resource, “Exploring Pi with ‘Sir Cumference,’” is a mathematics lesson intended for students in grade seven. It uses the fictional story Sir C...

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CAASPP Update - July 11, 2018


Notes on the ELPAC -  The Initial ELPAC administration window opened on July 1.-  The Local Scoring Tool (LST) became available in the Test Operations and Management System (TOMS) on July 9.-  The Initial ELPAC data file layout will be posted on the ELPAC Test Administration web page by July 13.-  The Initial ELPAC preliminary score sheet and instructions as well as the conversion tables will be posted in TOMS by July 13. They are available for optional summer use by local educational agencies (LEAs) that choose to wait until fall to enter raw scores in the LST. "Understanding Your Student Score Report"—in English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Vietnamese—is now available on the...

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CAASPP Scores Reports move to Electronic Delivery


​​Editor's note:  Below is a communication sent out by the CDE on April 26, 2018 detailing some of the information regarding the transition from paper distribution of CAASPP test scores to the electronic distribution (e.g. secure PDF files sent via email to parents).  The effort is being headed up by CDE and ETS and additional details are available in the CALPADS vendor notes. ​ Dear County and DistrictSuperintendents and Charter School Administrators: CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTPERFORMANCE AND PROGRESS TRANSITION TO ELECTRONIC STUDENT SCORE REPORTS In spring 2014, California tookthe bold step of transitioning almost completely from paper assessments toonline assessments with ...

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ELPAC Update - April 23, 2018


The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) Update, from the California Department of Education (CDE), is a monthly e-mail for K–12 educators, including testing coordinators. The ELPAC, when it becomes operational, will replace the California English Language Development Test (CELDT). Updated ELPAC Practice Tests and Rubrics At the end of April 2018, updated ELPAC practice tests and rubrics will be posted on under the Resources tab. For specific details, go to the Known Issues Log at Initial ELPAC Local Scoring Tool After administering the Initial ELPAC, trained local educational agency (LEA) staff will score the Initial ELPAC Answer Books locally...

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ELPAC Update Feb 22, 2018


The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) Update, from the California Department of Education (CDE), is a monthly e-mail for K–12 educators, including testing coordinators. The ELPAC, when it becomes operational, will replace the California English Language Development Test (CELDT). Individualized Education Programs and the New Matrix 4 The new Matrix Four displays the universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations (non-embedded) allowed as part of the ELPAC. For students who have an individualized education program (IEP) that identifies the use of accommodations listed in Matrix Four, an addendum is not necessary. For students whose IEP identifies differe...

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