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ELPAC Update Feb 22, 2018


The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) Update, from the California Department of Education (CDE), is a monthly e-mail for K–12 educators, including testing coordinators. The ELPAC, when it becomes operational, will replace the California English Language Development Test (CELDT).

Individualized Education Programs and the New Matrix 4

The new Matrix Four displays the universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations (non-embedded) allowed as part of the ELPAC. For students who have an individualized education program (IEP) that identifies the use of accommodations listed in Matrix Four, an addendum is not necessary. For students whose IEP identifies different accommodations than those listed in Matrix Two, which are specific to the CELDT, an addendum will be needed for the IEP.

The test scores of the students taking the ELPAC whose IEP provides for accommodations listed in Matrix Four will not be affected. Students whose IEP identifies the use of an alternate assessment will receive the lowest obtainable scale score.

Audio File Troubleshooting

As local educational agencies (LEAs) prepare for the administration of the Summative ELPAC, staff may be seeking guidance for audio file troubleshooting. The following strategies can be used if the audio file stops at 99 percent or does not complete downloading:

  • Check the antivirus software. Temporarily disable it, if possible, and then determine whether the problem persists.
  • Check to see whether there is a proxy server. Temporarily bypass it, if possible, and then determine whether the problem persists.
  • Check alternate browsers, if possible.
  • Run a test on the LEA network speed. Two Web-based speed testing services that can be used are Speedtest and Speakeasy Speed Test.

If none of these strategies resolves the problem, Test Examiners should contact their site ELPAC coordinator for further assistance. Site ELPAC coordinators needing further assistance should contact their LEA ELPAC coordinator.

ELPAC Apportionment Rates

In November 2017, the State Board of Education approved the apportionment rates for the Summative and Initial ELPAC. LEAs will receive the apportionments as follows:

For each student tested with any portion of the Summative ELPAC from February 1, 2018, through May 31, 2018—$5.00

For each eligible student tested with any portion of the Initial ELPAC from July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019—$5.00

The apportionment rates for both assessments will be ongoing for each administration.

Note that assessment apportionments are not distributed until the following fiscal year, when all testing for the previous year has been completed (e.g., LEAs will be reimbursed in 2018–19 for testing that occurs in 2017–18). The assessment apportionment funds are unrestricted funds to reimburse LEAs for the following costs:

Staffing costs, including the LEA ELPAC coordinator, site ELPAC coordinators, staff training, and other staff expenses, such as test administration time related to testing

Expenses related to testing incurred at the LEA and site levels

Transportation costs for delivering and retrieving tests and test materials within the LEA

Costs associated with the collection and submission of student demographic information intended to provide the complete and accurate data required for student group reporting per state regulations

Pre-ID Labels: Order Now at a Savings!

While LEAs have two ordering windows—or rounds—for ordering pre-ID labels, Round 1 which is under way, offers LEAs an opportunity to purchase the labels at a lower cost:

·Round 1, January 2 through April 9, $0.38 per label

·Round 2, April 10 through May 14, $0.44 per label

In either case, there is no setup fee.

More information on how to order Pre-ID labels is available in the "Test Operations Management System (TOMS) Pre-ID Labels Instructions Quick Start Guide" and the ELPAC TOMS Archived Webcast (at the 58:30 time stamp). For additional guidance, please contact the ELPAC Customer Support Center by phone at 844-782-2714 or by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Operational Initial ELPAC Around the Corner

Here it comes—the first administration of the operational Initial ELPAC is just around the corner. Beginning with the 2018–19 school year, 25 percent of schools in California will be asked to submit their test materials to testing contractor Educational Testing Service (ETS). For each following year, a new group of schools will be asked to do so. The purpose of this process is for ETS and the CDE to collect statistical item analyses for the Initial ELPAC as well as to conduct a comparison between the results provided by schools and the results determined by ETS. Each LEA that is a part of the 25 percent will receive a comparison report that will be available in TOMS.

This process will help the CDE to support LEAs through trainings on administration and scoring to ensure the accuracy of the administration of the Initial ELPAC. LEAs that are part of the 25 percent in 2018–19 will be informed of their participation well in advance to the start of the Initial ELPAC window, which begins on July 1, 2018. Watch for more information, coming soon.

Additional ELPAC Resource in Spanish Now Available!

The "2017–18 Notice of ELPAC Administration" letter template in Spanish, a sample letter to communicate information to parents and guardians about the administration of the ELPAC, is now available on the CDE ELPAC Web page.

Important Reminders

  • This spring's CDE-sponsored statewide Administration and Scoring Trainings for the Initial ELPAC are scheduled for April 10 through May 24. Registration is now open, and information is available on the ELPAC Web site, under the "Training" tab.
  • ELPAC test materials are highly secure; therefore, test examiners, site ELPAC coordinators, and proctors should review security procedures. In addition, students are to be reminded to turn off and put away their cell phones before testing.
  • Students can be reclassified at any point during the Summative ELPAC window. To ensure that the LEA meets the state and federal requirements to annually assess all English learners, reclassify students by May 30 by updating their English Language Acquisition Status in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System.
  • LEAs can return scorable materials each month; they do not have to wait until all testing is complete. LEAs needing additional white and/or brown return cartons and/or UPS labels can contact the ELPAC Customer Support Center by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at 844-782-2714.

Questions of the Month

In Matrix Four, I noticed that it says "supervised breaks within a section of the test." Does this mean that I can pause the audio?

No. "Supervised breaks" does not mean pausing the audio. Pausing the audio is an unlisted resource; unlisted resources must go through a request process and be approved by the CDE. Such requests should be sent by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The CDE will issue a response within 24 hours Monday through Friday.

How do I void a Pre-ID label if the student is reclassified?

The Pre-ID label can be destroyed in a secure manner.

Is the Summative ELPAC administered in groups of 10 or groups of 20?

The Writing, Reading, and Listening domains in grade two should be administered in groups of 10 or fewer students. Those domains in grades three through twelve should be administered in groups of 20 or fewer students. If the group size in either case exceeds the maximum number, a proctor is required.The Speaking domain is administered individually, regardless of grade.

Please forward this e-mail to any educators in your LEA who would be interested in or benefit from this information. To join the e-mail list, send a blank e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

ELPAC Update - April 23, 2018
E-rate News Flash - Issue #18-02, January 30, 2018


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