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CAASPP Scores Reports move to Electronic Delivery


​Editor's note:  Below is a communication sent out by the CDE on April 26, 2018 detailing some of the information regarding the transition from paper distribution of CAASPP test scores to the electronic distribution (e.g. secure PDF files sent via email to parents).  The effort is being headed up by CDE and ETS and additional details are available in the CALPADS vendor notes.

Dear County and District Superintendents and Charter School Administrators:


In spring 2014, California took the bold step of transitioning almost completely from paper assessments to online assessments with the field test administration of the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments. California is taking another bold step by transitioning the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) Student Score Reports (SSRs) from paper to electronic delivery to local educational agencies (LEAs). This process provides California and LEAs with opportunities and flexibility that are not available with paper SSRs. Electronic reporting makes it possible to:

Provide LEAs with the flexibility to decide the delivery method of the SSRs to parents/guardians, such as through their student information system (SIS) parent portal, instead of printing and mailing the SSRs.

Reduce the turnaround time for delivering SSRs to LEAs.

The transition to electronic SSRs has begun and will take place over a three-year period to provide LEAs with information updates and allow enough time to make the transition successfully:

Phase 1 - Pilot (2017-18) During Phase 1, LEAs and SIS vendors who volunteered to participate in the pilot will work with our testing contractor, Educational Testing Service (ETS), to test the technology solution for delivering electronic reports. All LEAs, including the LEAs participating in the pilot test, will receive paper SSRs, as usual.

Phase 2 - Initial Implementation (2018-19) During Phase 2, the California Department of Education (CDE) and ETS will work with all LEAs to implement and test the electronic reporting technology solution. When CAASPP reports are available for the 2018-19 administration, the default delivery method of the SSRs will be electronic. The CDE will offer support to select LEAs that demonstrate a clear need for continued support.

Phase 3 - Full Implementation (2019-20) During Phase 3, all LEAs will be expected to use the electronic reporting process.

To assist you, we will share the experiences of the LEAs that participated in the pilot. The lessons learned from this pilot will help us prepare and transition to full implementation.

If you have any questions, please contact the CAASPP Office by phone at

916-445-8765 or by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Keric Ashley, Deputy Superintendent

Performance, Planning, and Technology Branch


cc: LEA CAASPP Coordinators

LEA CAASPP Technology Coordinators

CALPADS EOY for Beginners
DataQuest Update - April 24, 2018


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