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7.17 Unilateral Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count

Reports the number of students with disabilities (by Primary Disability Category) who were removed from their regular instructional setting to an interim alternative setting for disciplinary reasons, regardless of enrollment status. It also reports the co

7.18 Incident Removals for Students with Disabilities - Student List

Reports students with disabilities who were removed from their regular instructional setting for disciplinary reasons, regardless of enrollment status. It also reports characteristics about each student and each incident including the Incident Results and

7.2 - Discipline Incidents - Student List

Reports students in grades KN, 01-12, UE and US, regardless of enrollment status, who were involved in discipline incidents. Also reports information about each incident, including the disciplinary action taken. SSID Enrollment (e.g. Enrollment Status) and Student Information (e.g. Ethnicity/Race) data are associated with the most recent open enrollment during the Report Period being reported. Student Program data used for selecting student subgroups, such Gifted and Talented, are associated with the most recent enrollment at the school during the Report Period regardless of Program Membership Code and regardless of when the incident occurred.

7.3 - Discipline Actions - Count

Reports the number of students in grades KN, 01-12, UE and US who committed a reportable offense, regardless of enrollment status, by offense. It also reports the number of students receiving each of the disciplinary actions resulting from each offense. Students are disaggregated by gender, ethnicity/race, and offense code.

7.4 - Discipline Actions - Count by Offense

Reports the number of students in grades KN, 01-12, UE and US who committed a reportable offense, regardless of enrollment status, by offense. It also reports the number of students receiving each of the disciplinary actions resulting from each offense. Students are disaggregated by gender, ethnicity/race, and offense code.

7.5 - Discipline Offenses - Student List

Reports students in grades KN, 01-12, UE and US, regardless of enrollment status, who were involved in discipline incidents. Also reports other information about each offense within each incident, including the disciplinary action taken.

7.6 - Discipliary Actions - Persistently Dangerous Offense Expulsions

Reports the counts of K-12 expulsions (for students in grades KN, 01-12, UE and US) for the applicable Persistently Dangerous Schools California Education Code violations.Reports the counts of expulsions for the Persistently Dangerous Schools California Education Code violations. By school, it includes the total number of expulsions, the # of expulsions per 100 enrolled students (based on the selected year’s certified Fall 1 enrollment), and the # of expulsions per offense codes that are applicable in determining At-Risk Schools. It also indicates whether a school is an At-Risk School.

7.7 - Discipline Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count

Reports the number of students with disabilities who were removed from their regular instructional setting for disciplinary reasons, regardless of enrollment status. It also reports the total number of removals and the number of students with disabilities who commit offenses that resulted in no suspension or expulsion, by disability category.

7.8 - Unilateral Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count

Reports the number of students with disabilities (by Primary Disability Category) who were removed from their regular instructional setting to an interim alternative setting for disciplinary reasons, regardless of enrollment status. It also reports the counts of removals to interim alternative setting by federal offense category.

7.9 - Discipline Removals for Students with Disabilities - Student List

Reports students with disabilities who were removed from their regular instructional setting for disciplinary reasons, regardless of enrollment status. It also reports characteristics about each student and each incident including the disciplinary action taken and disciplinary action modifications.

8.1 - Student Profile - List

Reports a list of individual student data that supports aggregate views in other reports 8.1 Student Profile – List: Includes Active students on the As Of date

8.1 - Student Profile - List (EOY 3)

Reports a list of individual student data that supports aggregate views in other reports 8.1 Student Profile – List (EOY) : Reports a lists individual student data in support of the Cumulative Enrollment report. Students listed on this report have had an open or closed enrollment record within the LEA at any time during the Academic Year.

8.1a - Student Profile Exits - List

8.1a Student Profile Exits – List: Includes students that exited between the Exit From and Through Date period

8.1b - Student Profile Dropouts - List

8.1b Student Profile Dropouts – List: Includes students reported in all Dropout reports except Report 1.14 Dropouts Count - State View

8.1c - Student Profile Dropouts - State View - List

8.1c Student Profile Dropouts - State View – List: Includes students reported as Dropouts in Report 1.14 Dropouts Count - State View

8.2 - Socio-economically Disadvantaged - Student List

Lists students that are Socio-economically Disadvantaged as determined by either Parent Education information or Free or Reduced Price Meal eligibility. This report is available only to staff who have the Free and Reduced Lunch role.

9.1 - Multiple Identifier (MID) Anomalies Unresolved

Identifies all of a school’s SSIDs that potentially have multiple SSIDs assigned (i.e., MID Anomaly). The SSIDs listed (i.e., MID Set) have exactly matching demographics. The MID Set contains SSIDs in the same school, in another school within the LEA, or in another LEA. All of the MID Sets in which an LEA has SSIDs are reported for the LEA.

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