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CRSE0001 / CRSC0001

Reporting LEA must equal institution identifier of submitter User ID

CRSE0002 / CRSC0002

School must be a valid code in CDS and have an active CALPADS reporting relationship with the Reporting LEA


The State Educator ID # (SEID) must be a valid 10-digit SEID and exist in the Commission on Teacher Credentialing database as a current and valid number.

CRSE0122 / CRSC0122

Two or more of the same SEIDs (duplicate) must not be submitted as assigned to a single course section.

CRSE0123 / CRSC0123

If CTE Postsecondary Articulated Course Indicator = Y then a CTE State Course Code must be used.

Reference Course Group Master Combos Valid Combination

CRSE0126 / CRSC0126

State Course Code cannot be blank unless the LEA has used the CALPADS mapping function to provide a translation from the Local Course ID


If Multiple Teacher Code is populated and the SEID is not equal to "9999999999" then at least one other Course Section record must be submitted with the same Academic Term, Academic Year, School of Course Delivery and Class ID, where Multiple Teacher code is not null and where the SEID differs from the current record.

Or, in other words - your CRSE file was uploaded with at least one teacher record marked as "multiple teacher" (think co-teachers, team teaching or a job share situation).  Having just one of the two teacher's records in the CRSE file, however, is not cool.  You gotta have BOTH.  That means a record for teacher A and a record for teacher B too, and in the same file.  

ALSO!  Remember that the CRSE is a full replacement file.  Meaning you will want to upload only 100% complete files, since the information in the last file will literally erase any information from the previous uploads.  


If Education Service Code = 1 Or Instructional Strategy = 600 Then Language of Instruction Code must be populated


Language of Instruction Code must not equal 00 (English) or 37 (Sign Language)

CRSE0135 / CRSC0135

SEID must be a valid SEID in the CCTC file or SEID may equal 9999999999.

CRSE0199 / CRSC0199

School of Course Delivery must not be an NPS school

CRSE0201 / CRSC0201

School should be open during Academic Year reported

CRSE0220 / CRSC0220

Staff Demographic record should exist for a Course Section Record except when the SEID equals 9999999999


If Education Service Code (920) is not null, then Instructional Strategy (9.22) cannot be null.


If Instructional Strategy (9.22) = 400, 500, 600 or 650, then Education Service (9.20) cannot be null.

CRSE0231 / CRSC0231

Each of the following fields must have identical values in all records with the same CRS-Local Course ID: - CRS-State Course Code - CRS-Course Name - CRS-Course Content Code - CRS-NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code - CRS-CTE Technical Preparation Course Indicator - CRS-UC CSU Approved Indicator


If two or more Course Section records have the same Record Type Code, Academic Year ID, School of Course Delivery, Academic Term Code, CRS-Local Course ID, Course Section ID and two or more different SEIDs, then all records must have the same value in the Education Service Code field.

CRSE0298 / CRSC0298

If CRS-Course Content Code 154 (High Quality CTE) is populated for a Course and for the corresponding State Course Code that is not in the range of 7000 - 8999.
Reference (Course Group Master Combos, Valid Code Combinations)


If Distance Learning Indicator = N or is null, then Online Course Instruction Type Code must be blank.


If Distance Learning Indicator = Y, then Online Course Instruction Type Code must be populated.


If Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range = MID (Middle Grades 5-8), then Middle School Core Course Indicator must equal Y or N.


If AP/IB Course Code Cross Reference is populated, then CRS - State Course Code must equal a CTE State Course Code 7000-8999.


If CRS - Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range Code = NOT - Not Applicable, then CRS - Content Standards Alignment Code must = 3 - Not Content Standards-Aligned or Not Applicable.


If CRS - Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range Code is not = NOT - Not Applicable, then CRS - Content Standards Alignment Code cannot = 3 - Not Content Standards-Aligned or Not Applicable.


If State Course Code = 9000, 9051, 9080, 9090, 9130-37, 9155, 9156, 9157, 9222, 9223, 9291, 9292, 9293, 9294, 9316, 9381, or 9400 then Course Content Area Subcategory Code is required.


If State Course Code does not equal 9000, 9051, 9080, 9090, 9130-37, 9155, 9156, 9157, 9222, 9223, 9291, 9292, 9293, 9294, 9316, 9381, or 9400 then Course Content Area Subcategory Code must be blank.


If CRS - State Course Code is not in the range of 7000-8999, then High Quality CTE Course Indicator on Course Section must be blank.


 CRS - State Course Code is in the range of 7000-8999, then High Quality CTE Course Indicator must equal Y or N. 
Reference (Course Group Master Combos, Valid Code Combinations)


If Course Content Area Subcategory is populated, then it must be a valid combination per the CrsGrpSt-ContentSubctgy combinations in the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations.


Course Group State and CRS - Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range must be a valid combination in the CrsGrpSt-StndsGrdLvlRange combinations in the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations.


If AP/IB Course Code Cross Reference is populated, then it must be equal to an active course identified as an AP or IB course in the AP or IB columns in the Course Group Master Combos in the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations.


A required field for the submitted Record Type is missing.


Code submitted outside the effective date range


Code submitted outside the effective date range


The value provided for the field is not a valid CALPADS Transaction Type Code

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