Education Plan Amendment Date Mismatch
SeverityFATAL error - Must be corrected in order to post the record and/or certify your data.
Error Description
If the student's Education Plan Amendment Date is populated, then the following fields must match an existing record for the same student, SSID, Reporting LEA, and SELPA Code in the ODS:
-Special Education Meeting Type Code
-Special Education Meeting Date
-Special Education Referral Date
-Initial Evaluation Parental Consent Date
-Disability 1 Code
-Disability 2 Code
-Special Education Program Type Code
-Parental Involvement Facilitation Code
If these 8 fields do no match, you will continue to receive this error.
Suggested Resolution
1) Verify all validated fields are populated,
2) If the Education Plan Amendment Date is not empty AND any of the following fields in SPED record do not match the same fields for the same SSID, Reporting LEA, and SELPA Code in ODS:
14.20-Special Education Meeting Type Code
14.21-Special Education Meeting Date
14.17-Special Education Referral Date
14.19-Initial Evaluation Parental Consent Date
14.28-Disability 1 Code
14.29-Disability 2 Code
14.35-Special Education Program Type Code
14.45-Parental Involvement Facilitation Code
Either the data being submitted via your special education system (e.g. SEIS, SIRAS, Welligent) is incorrect, or the data in CALPADS is incorrect. The data must match exactly for the records to pass.
Also, check to see when the amendement was written. If it has a date that doesn't correspond with the student's enrollment date, verify which is the correct date.
Fields Validated
14.04 - Reporting LEA
14.08 - SSID
14.15 - Reporting SELPA
14.17 - Special Education Referral Date
14.19 - Initial Evaluation Parental Consent Date
14.20 - Special Education Meeting Type Code
14.21 - Special Education Meeting Date
14.25 - Education Plan Amendment Date
14.28 - Disability 1 Code
14.29 - Disability 2 Code
14.35 - Special Education Program Type Code
14.45 - Parental Involvement Facilitation Code
Headache Factor