Invalid Triennial Evaluation Type
SeverityError Description
Students may not have an Triennial Evaluation without a Part C Initial Evaluation Meeting.
Suggested Resolution
Relevant Ed Code:
California Education Code Ā§ 56381(a)(1). A reassessment of the pupil, based upon procedures specified in Section 56302.1 and in Article 2 (commencing with Section 56320), and in accordance with Section 1414(a), (b), and (c) of Title 20 of the United States Code, shall be conducted if the local educational agency determines that the educational or related services needs, including improved academic achievement and functional performance, of the pupil warrant a reassessment, or if the pupil's parents or teacher requests a reassessment.
(2) A reassessment shall occur not more frequently than once a year, unless the parent and the local educational agency agree otherwise, and shall occur at least once every three years, unless the parent and the local educational agency agree, in writing, that a reassessment is unnecessary. If the reassessment so indicates, a new individualized education program shall be developed.
Fields Validated
14.20 - Special Education Meeting Type Code
14.21 - Special Education Meeting Date
14.24 - Education Plan Type Code
Headache Factor