Reenrolling Graduate Within CALPADS
SeverityError Description
Submitted record has School Start Date which is AFTER the School Exit Date of a graduated record within CALPADS for this SSID. A Graduated record is: Student Exit Reason Code = E230 AND School Completion Status = 100, 106 OR 250
Suggested Resolution
Understanding Error:
The submission contains enrollment record(s) for the SSID, but the SSID has already been recorded as a graduate by another district in the CALPADS ODS.
Things to check for in submission:
Verify the following fields contained in the submissions against CALPADS Enrollment History of the student: 1.23 - Student School Start Date 1.27 - Student Exit Reason Code 1.28 - Student School Completion Status Code
Suggested Resolution:
1) Contact other LEA to correct the Student Exit Reason Code and Student School Completion Status Code field of the existing enrollment. OR 2) Verify that correct Student School Completion Status is populated in the submission, and if the value is incorrect, correct the value and re-submit. May need to update the Local SIS. OR 3) Verify that the correct School Start Date is populated in the submission, and if the value is incorrect, correct the value and re-submit.
Fields Validated
1.23 - Student School Start Date
1.27 - Student Exit Reason Code
1.28 - Student School Completion Status Code
Headache Factor

0025 - CALPADS - Enrollment - ERROR - FALL 1 - Re-enroll - Re-enrollment - Reenroll - Reenrolling - Reenrollment - SENR - SENR0025 - STUDENT - Student Enrollment
Solution Rating