Invalid Birth Date Or Grade For CHSPE Completion
SeverityError Description
If Student Exit Category equals E230 and School Completion Status Code equals 330 (Passed CHSPE) then Student Age must be greater than or equal to 16 at Student School Exit Date, or Grade must be greater than 9.
Btw, the CHSPE stands for California High School Proficiency Examination.
Suggested Resolution
Understanding Error:
Student's graduating by passing CHPSE must be: - at least 16, or - have been enrolled in 10th grade for 1 year or longer, or - will have been enrolled in 10th grade for 1 year at the end of the semester during which the CHPSE exam is conducted.
See: :
Fields Validated
1.17 - Student Birth Date
1.25 - Grade Level Code
1.27 - Student Exit Reason Code
1.28 - Student School Completion Status Code
Headache Factor

CALPADS - CHPSE - Enrollment - ERROR - FALL 1 - Invalid Birth Date - Invalid Grade - SENR - SENR00260026 - STUDENT - Student Enrollment
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