Invalid Assignment Code For Employee On Leave
SeverityError Description
If any Nonclassroom Based or Support Assignment is "Employee on Leave", then all other Nonclassroom Based or Support Assignment fields must be blank.
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the Error:
A SASS record is submitted for a staff where any of the Nonclassroom Based or Support Assignment Codes 1-7 = 6018 and any other of the Nonclassroom Based or Support Assignment Codes in the same record are not null or one or more additional SASS records exist for the same SEID where any of the Nonclassroom Based or Support Assignment Codes 1-7 does not equal 6018.
Things to check for in submission:
Compare the record in the submission to the records that already exist for the staff in CALPADS to verify or check the values in the other Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Codes within the submitted record to ensure fields are blank.
Suggested Resolution:
If you intended to make a change to an existing record, then submit the information as a change.
Fields Validated
8.07 SEID
8.15 Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code 1
8.16 Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code 2
8.17 Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code 3
8.18 Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code 4
8.19 Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code 5
8.20 Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code 6
8.21 Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code 7
Headache Factor
0257 - 257 - CALPADS - ERROR - Fall 2 - Invalid Assignment Code - SASS - SASS0257 - Staff - Staff Assignment
Solution Rating