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Invalid SEID

FATAL error - Must be corrected in order to post the record and/or certify your data.

Error Description

The educator's SEID # must be a valid SEID #.

Suggested Resolution

Verify that the SEID field in the submission has a valid value.  Every credentialled California educator has a 10 digit SEID (State Educator IDentifier number).  You are trying to submit a file with a 10 digit SEID number that is not recognized as an official # by the CTC.  Therefore, it is being rejected.  

Q: What is a Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID)?

All educators working in public K–12 California local educational agencies in positions that require credentials from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) are required to have statewide educator identifier number (known as “SEIDs;” the acronym is pronounced “seed” in its singular form) assigned by the CTC. SEIDs should be maintained in LEAs’ local systems (e.g., human resources systems and student information systems).

  • The SEID is a unique, 10-digit, random, system-generated, non-personally-identifiable number produced by the CTC.
  • SEIDs are used in the CALPADS system to:
    • Maintain data on individual educators over time.
    • Link educator credential information with assignment information (e.g. the schools they work at).
  • A SEID is required for the submission of staff and course data to CALPADS. Any staff record without a SEID will not be accepted by CALPADS.
  • The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) assigns SEID numbers to applicants for credentials based on applications to the CTC for Certificates of Clearance. In other words, if you have a credential, you have been assigned a SEID number.

Q: Where can I find the SEID #'s for the teachers at my school/district?

There are two methods that LEAs may use to retrieve SEIDs for LEA educators:
  • LEAs should contact their County Credential Analysts for the SEIDs. The Commission on Teacher Credentialing provides all county offices of education with accessibility to weekly downloads (pdfs or flat files) of newly issued documents to educators (provided that the educators have provided their counties of employment on their applications); these files also include the SEIDs. County offices will work with LEA staff to get SEID files for LEA educators.
  • LEAs should contact their County Credential Analysts for the SEIDs. The Commission on Teacher Credentialing provides all county offices of education with accessibility to weekly downloads (pdfs or flat files) of newly issued documents to educators (provided that the educators have provided their counties of employment on their applications); these files also include the SEIDs. County offices will work with LEA staff to get SEID files for LEA educators.
  • LEAs may look up individual educators by using the online SEID look-up tool, which is available via the CTC’s Credential Information Guide (CIG) at

The SEID look-up tool requires a CIG logon ID and password: LEAs may request a CIG logon ID and password by sending an e-mail to the CTC’s Information Services Unit at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For questions related to obtaining a SEID for an educator, or for SEID-related questions, LEAs should contact the CTC at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

To subscribe to the SEID listserv, LEAs should send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Q: Are all administrators required to have a SEID, such as a non-certificated Assistant Superintendent?

All staff in positions that require an administrative services credential such as an Assistant Superintendent should be assigned a SEID by the CTC. According to the CTC’s Administrator’s Assignment Manual: “When determining if an assignment requires an individual to hold an administrative services credential, it is not the title of the position that is the determining factor but the duties the individual will be performing. Employing agencies should review the job duties for the assignment using Title 5 regulations (§80054.5).

Q: How do non-certificated Administrators or teachers get a SEID?

If a district has used a “local assignment option” to assign a non-certificated staff member to a position requiring certification, or employs a non-certificated non-core charter school teacher, the individual can apply for a Certificate of Clearance from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. A SEID will then be assigned to the individual. It should be noted however, that this is NOT mandatory.

Q: Is a SEID # required for the submission of “9999999999” in the Course Section record?

If a given staff person assigned to a particular course section does not have a SEID, a generic identifier of 9999999999 may be submitted in the Course Section record. Following are examples of when this might occur: • Non-certificated charter school teachers. • Teachers delivering courses at a Regional Occupational Center. • College professors delivering college courses to high school students. • Teachers delivering online courses provided by a public or private agency. • New teachers who have not been issued a SEID.

Note: Staff reported in the Course Section with a generic identifier of “9999999999” will not be included in the Staff FTE counts. Only course enrollment will be counted for these staff.

For more information, contact your County Credential Analyst or the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).

Fields Validated

8.07 SEID

Headache Factor


0106 - 106 - CALPADS - ERROR - FAll 2 - Invalid SEID - SASS - SASS0106 - SEID - Staff - Staff Assignment

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5.0/5 rating 1 vote

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