Invalid Submitter
SeverityError Description
Reporting LEA must equal institution identifier of submitter User ID
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the Error:
CALPADS verifies that the person submitting the file or submission is authorized to submit data for the LEA being reported. This verification is accomplished by comparing the CDS code in the submitter's CALPADS account with the CDS code in the submitted file. Things to check for in submission: Verify that the Reporting LEA in the file is correct.
Suggested Resolution:
1) Verify that user has appropriate access and roles in their CALPADS account for the corresponding Reporting LEA for which the data is being submitted.
2) If the Reporting LEA field is incorrectly populated in the submission, then change the value populated in the Reporting LEA field so the correct value is submitted to CALPADS for the Staff Demographics record of the SEID.
Fields Validated
8.04 Reporting LEA
Headache Factor
0001 - 1 - CALPADS - ERROR - Invalid Submitter - SASS - SASS0001 - Staff - Staff Assignment
Solution Rating