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Known CALPADS system errors

There are more than 130 known errors in the CALPADS system currently.  If you are having difficulties with some errors or totals not working out as expected, try consulting the attached excel file.  It may contain information about your particular situation that may be impacting your district's data.  File Name: CALPAD_knownissues_july5-2018 File Size: 31 kb Download File

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CALPADS Update Flash #138

Published June 25, 2018.  The entire PDF file is below:    Download PDF File Here

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There are 4 CALPADS listservs (who knew!)

There are four unique listservs that disseminate info about CALPADS.  One is maintained by CSIS/FCMAT and serves as a Q & A forum for day-to-day users.  The other three are "one-way" messaging systems and do not accept replies.  A list of these and their intended audiences and access instructions is below: "CALPADS" listservsIntended AudienceAccess Instructions  1.  "CSIS-LS" Lot's of back-and-forth messages from CALPADS Coordinators Individuals who work on a daily basis with all aspects of the system, including preparing data for upload, working with various SIS systems, resolving errors, and validating/verifying data.  The group is open to all local school district CALPADS administrators and usually has around 200 active participants.  This is a lively back-and-forth discussion forum with roughly 25 to 50 email messages going back and forth each day.  It is advisable to use a secondary email account just for this listserv or to create some rules within your email filter to sort these messages into their own folder. 2.  "CALPADS-LEA" Only official information According to the CDE website, "The CALPADS-LEA listserv is a private listserv restricted to LEAs. All requests for membership will be reviewed before approval is granted."  This is one of the official channels in which "Flash" updates from CDE regarding CALPADS is disseminated.  Generally anyone who is the LEA CALPADS Coordinator should be on this list to receive deadline information, product improvement updates, known issues updates, and new data requirement updates.  (Note to CDE - Since this is official information already posted on the CDE site, and not priviliged info in any way, it might make sense to open access of this list up a bit too!  That way we can assign a unique email address to it (e.g. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and then route this critically important info to all necessary parties at our schools. 3.  "CALPADS-SIS-VENDORS" Only official information "The CALPADS-SIS-VENDORS listserv provides information relevant to the development and implementation of CALPADS to Student Information System (SIS) vendors and LEAs utilizing custom-designed SISs. This listserv is an open listserv with no membership restrictions." This listserv provides an opportunity to understand how changes in the CALPADS system may impact your student information system (e.g. Aeries, PowerSchool, Infinite Campus, Illuminate SIS, and others).  There is usually a monthly vendor conference call as well, that is usually attended by representatives of those companies (when it hasn't been cancelled). 4.  "CASEMIS-TO-CALPADS" Only official information "The CASEMIS-TO-CALPADS listserv disseminates information to LEAs regarding the transition from the California Special Education Management Information System (CASEMIS) to CALPADS. This listserv is an open listserv with no membership restrictions. "  Since the CASEMIS data is scheduled to "morph" into CALPADS at some point in the 2019-2020 time-frame, it would make sense for Special Education leaders and CALPADS Coordinators to participate in this listserv in order to anticipate these changes in how SPed data is captured, stored, and reported.

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CALPADS FLASH #137 - JUNE 18, 2018

Here's a PDF of today's CALPADS Flash.      Download PDF File Here

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CALPADS EOY for Beginners

A short 20 minute video explaining the "big picture" of the CALPADS end of year process. Reminder:  EOY deadline is July 31, 2018! 

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CALPADS Fall 1 Deadline Postponed!

Editor's note:  This just came across the CSIS listserv: Dear LEA Representative: We have determined the recent slowdown in CALPADS is due to sheer volume in the last week of the deadline. We were not able to get more LEAs certified earlier and reduce the load on the system prior to the deadline. As of Monday, 12/11/2017 only 50% of the 1,906 LEAs in the state had certified Fall 1. While we work to encourage LEAs to certify throughout the submission window we were unsuccessful to encourage more to complete sooner. So, due to this high volume causing extreme slowness with rendering reports and related screens, and the closure of some number of districts due to fires, the 2017 Fall 1 cert...

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EdSource releases map of homeless student rates in CA schools

This is a truly fascinating use of "big data."   Kudos to Daniel Willis over at EdSource for creating a map that highlights where student homelessness is greatest throughout the state.  You can see the map here at this link:  To my memory this is the first time I have seen an actual "heat map" of the geographical locations where student homelessness is more pervasive than other areas.  Hopefully with the LCFF process additional resources will flow to these students and these schools to have a positive impact on their learning and continuity of educational services. &...

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(Editor's Note:  I copied this directly from the PDF file that was distributed on the listserv.  A few folks were having issues with the attachment not coming through, so here is the raw text:) California Department of Education – CALPADS Team and Special Education Division Subject: CASEMIS to CALPADS (C2C) TRANSITION UPDATES END-OF-YEAR (EOY) SUBMISSION CERTIFICATION DEADLINE MOVED TO AUGUST 25, 2017 Per the CALPADS Update Flash #129 that was released on July 21, 2017, the final August 11th EOY certification deadline (the close of the amendment window) for EOY 1, 2, and 3 has been moved to August 25th, in order to accommodate a defect fix. Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPA...

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CALPADS Flash #130, Oct 3, 2017

2017–18 BACK-TO-SCHOOL LETTER The California Department of Education (CDE) would first like to thank local educational agencies (LEAs) for their dedication and hard work in certifying the 2016–17 End-of- Year (EOY) submissions. LEAs are to be congratulated for meeting the challenge of submitting student absence summary data for the first time and certifying all EOY submissions in August. The CDE also recognizes that the school year has already started and LEAs are busy enrolling students and scheduling them into classes. The CDE has sent Superintendents and Charter School Administrators the annual Back-to-School letter for data collections, and in that letter we emphasize the importance of e...

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CALPADS Flash #127

CALPADS LEA ADMINISTRATOR AUTHORIZATION INTERIM PROCESS To implement best practices and enhance overall CALPADS security, the process for authorizing CALPADS LEA Administrators has been modified. If the CALPADS Administrator application on file at the California Department of Education (CDE) is over one year old, a new application is now required upon an LEA Administrator account password reset request. This process will continue until the completion of the 2017–18 End-of-Year (EOY) data submission, and will not begin this August as stated in the April 2017 CALPADS Information Meeting. A new process will begin with the rollout of the changes to the CALPADS security model and upgraded user in...

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Cron Job Starts