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EdSource releases map of homeless student rates in CA schools


This is a truly fascinating use of "big data."   Kudos to Daniel Willis over at EdSource for creating a map that highlights where student homelessness is greatest throughout the state.  You can see the map here at this link:  To my memory this is the first time I have seen an actual "heat map" of the geographical locations where student homelessness is more pervasive than other areas.  Hopefully with the LCFF process additional resources will flow to these students and these schools to have a positive impact on their learning and continuity of educational services.  This is just one example of how the state's data system, CALPADS, can produce updated and actionable information to Calfornia educators and decision makers.

CDE E-Rate News Flash October 20, 2017 Issue 17-13
CALPADS Flash #130, Oct 3, 2017


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