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CALPADS Flash #127



To implement best practices and enhance overall CALPADS security, the process for authorizing CALPADS LEA Administrators has been modified. If the CALPADS Administrator application on file at the California Department of Education (CDE) is over one year old, a new application is now required upon an LEA Administrator account password reset request. This process will continue until the completion of the 2017–18 End-of-Year (EOY) data submission, and will not begin this August as stated in the April 2017 CALPADS Information Meeting. A new process will begin with the rollout of the changes to the CALPADS security model and upgraded user interface. More information on the new process will be provided in the future.

Key Points Regarding CALPADS User Accounts

In order to help expedite processing the password reset for a CALPADS LEA Administrator account, here are some key points to remember:

  • If you are the CALPADS LEA Administrator, log on to your LEA Administrator account regularly to ensure that it stays active, allowing you to easily manage all local LEA and/or school level accounts.
  • To request a CALPADS LEA Administrator Application, contact the CALPADS Service Desk by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at
    916-325-9210. Your request should include:
    • Your User ID.
    • Your LEA's full 14-digit County-District-School (CDS) code.
  • Do not include your password in any e-mail or service desk request.
  • When you submit the application, be sure that it is filled out accurately and completely, making sure that:
    • Signatures are visible.
    • The date on the application is less than one year old (do not send in old applications).
    • A security question and answer is included.
    • The CDS code is included.

In addition, remember the following:

  • Notify the CALPADS Service Desk when your CALPADS LEA Administrator is no longer in that role, so that we can revoke their account.
  • Request a new CALPADS LEA Administrator application from the CALPADS Service Desk when your e-mail address changes.
  • For multi-LEA accounts, complete a separate application for each LEA included in the account.

Remember: If you have an LEA or School account, contact your CALPADS LEA Administrator to reset your password. Please do not send these requests to the CALPADS Service Desk, because they will be returned, further delaying the reset of a password.


The 2016–17 End-of-Year (EOY) data submission window opened on May 15, 2017. Local educational agencies (LEAs) are expected to certify all EOY submissions that are displayed on the certification screen, even if the counts are zero (e.g., a K–8 elementary LEA that does not offer departmentalized courses should still certify EOY 1). The certification deadline is Monday, July 31, 2017, and the amendment window closes on Friday, August 11, 2017.

LEAs are strongly encouraged to start on the EOY submissions immediately and not wait until school is out to begin file uploads to CALPADS. All of the EOY submissions use a reporting period of July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017. It is to an LEA's advantage to begin the upload process now, prior to school ending, because doing so can provide reports to help LEAs resolve data problems before staff leave for the summer. Once school ends, LEAs will need to re-upload the files, but the reconciliation process should be much faster because the majority of issues would have already been resolved.

The following suggested dates will help keep LEAs on track to certify on time. Be sure to adjust the dates if schools or offices close earlier for summer.

  • Now – Complete Student Information System (SIS) data population.
  • June 16 – Upload files and correct errors or discrepancies as needed.
  • June 30 – Review certification reports, correct errors, and fix discrepancies.
  • July 14 – Distribute reports for review and approval.
  • July 31 – Certify.
CHANGES TO EOY 1 – CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATIONChange in Definition of Code 154 – Career Technical Education

To identify CTE courses as eligible for Carl Perkins or CTE Incentive Grant (CTEIG) funding, LEAs must populate Field 9.10 (CRS-Course Content Code) in the CALPADS Course Section Completion (CRSC) file with a code of 154 – Career Technical Education. Courses populated with a code of 154 must be:

  • Part of a course sequence that meets the CTE Pathway Standards.
  • Taught by an appropriately credentialed CTE teacher.
  • Used only for specific academic courses that have been identified as courses that would be logical parts of a CTE course sequence. For a list of the allowable courses, refer to the CALPADS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Career Technical Education (EOY) Topics, which are posted on the CDE CALPADS FAQ Web page at:

Field 9.10 should be left BLANK for any CTE courses that do not meet the above criteria.

Field Number

Data Element Name

Coded Value/Name

Code Definition


CRS-Course Content Code

154 – Career Technical Education

The course content is related to an approved Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathway (as per the California Career Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards) and is taught by a teacher who is appropriately authorized through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing to teach in a specific CTE industry sector.

Credentialing Requirements for Teaching CTE Courses

Teachers teaching CTE courses are required to either 1) hold a preliminary or clear Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Teaching Credential for a specific industry sector; or 2) hold a Single Subject Credential in a specific subject, which authorizes them to teach in specific industry sectors.

For more information on the specific requirements for the preliminary and clear Designated Subjects Credentials, please refer to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Credentials Leaflet 888 (CL-888) available on this California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Web page:

See the table below for allowable Single Subject Credentials:

These credentials:

...Are allowed to teach courses in these industry sectors:

Agriculture Education AND Agriculture Specialist

  • Agriculture and Natural Resources

Business Education

  • Business and Finance
  • Information and Communications Technologies
  • Marketing, Sales, and Services

Home Economics

  • Education, Child Development, and Family Services
  • Fashion and Interior Design
  • Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation

Industrial Arts

  • Building and Construction Trades
  • Energy, Environment, and Utilities
  • Engineering and Architecture
  • Manufacturing and Product Development
  • Transportation

Industrial Technology Education

  • Building and Construction Trades
  • Energy, Environment, and Utilities
  • Engineering and Architecture
  • Information and Communications Technologies
  • Manufacturing and Product Development
  • Transportation
CTE Report Changes
  • Non-concentrator student counts will now only be counted at the industry sector level in a separate report.
  • CTE reports will have a filter that allows LEAs to see courses considered "Perkins or CTEIG Fundable" (flagged with code 154) including Regional Occupational Centers and Programs (ROCP) courses and those that are not.
  • Concentrator and completer snapshot reports (3.14, 3.15) will now reflect student counts by pathway based on the pathway submitted in the Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) file and not based on the course they completed in the Course Section Completion (CRSC) file.
  • New snapshot reports (aggregate and student detail list) will be created equivalent to snapshot reports 3.14 and 3.15 for Non-Concentrator CTE Participants.
  • For EOY 2016–2017 Report C/A 3.14 will be disabled. This report will be re-activated for EOY 2017–2018 and modified to only include Concentrators/Completers and a new C/A report will be created to only include Non-Concentrators.
REMINDERS FOR EOY 2 – PROGRAM PARTICIPATIONEnsuring Correct Submission of Homeless Student Data in CALPADS

The accurate reporting of homeless students is important because it helps to generate funding for California to address the homeless issue. To ensure accurate reporting of homeless students, CALPADS LEA Administrators and district homeless liaisons should work together to ensure that data for all students who were homeless in the 2016–2017 academic year are reported. This means that a Student Program (SPRG) record must be submitted with dates that overlap the 2016–2017 academic year for each homeless student. After updating the information, LEAs should review certification report 5.4 - Homeless Students Enrolled - Unduplicated Count by School and supporting report 5.5 - Homeless Student List to ensure that the counts look accurate prior to certifying the data.

If you do not know who your LEA's homeless liaison is, a list of homeless education liaisons can be found on the CDE Homeless Education Web page at:

Updating Title I, Part A School-wide Status

LEAs are required to certify a school's Title I status in the Consolidated and Application Reporting System (CARS) as part of the Title I, Part A Notification of Authorization of Schoolwide Program data collection. A school's Title I status is certified as either Targeted Assisted Status (TAS) or Schoolwide Program (SWP). This information is loaded in CALPADS and is used to pre-populate information on Certification Report 5.1 – Program Participants – Count.

CALPADS has been updated with data from LEAs that have certified these data in CARS as of May 16, 2017. For LEAs that have not certified these data in CARS, CALPADS will reflect the school's status as TAS. In order to certify accurate data in EOY 2, LEAs receiving Title I, Part A funding should review their 2016–17 data in CARS as soon as possible, so that CALPADS reflects the correct Title I, Part A funding and TAS/SWP status for each school.CALPADS will be updated with CARS data on a weekly basis beginning Friday, May 19, 2017.

CHANGES TO EOY 3 – STUDENT DISCIPLINECollection of Attendance Data for Chronic Absenteeism Summary

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires states to report chronic absenteeism rates for schools (Section 1111(h)(1)(C)(viii) of the ESSA). To meet this requirement, LEAs will be required to submit attendance data to CALPADS through a new file type, Student Absence Summary (STAS), in order for the state to calculate chronic absenteeism rates on a student-level basis. The State Board of Education is also considering chronic absenteeism as one of the indicators for state and federal accountability.

The STAS data will be required for the first time as part of the 2016–17 End-of-Year (EOY) 3 - Student Discipline data submission. As part of EOY 3, LEAs will also be required to certify a cumulative enrollment count that is automatically calculated from the enrollment records posted in CALPADS.

Please note that the absenteeism data collected through CALPADS will not replace the average daily attendance (ADA) data submitted to the CDE for purposes of funding the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), or other programs funded based on ADA, although to the extent possible, the same definitions will be used so that LEAs may utilize the data that they already collect.

The CALPADS team is providing a special training course, STAS Data Population, to help LEAs prepare for the reporting of STAS data. The course reviews the data elements, validation rules, reports, and certification components. Visit the FCMAT/CSIS Training Web page at for the training schedule and to register if you have not already taken this course.

Clarification of Days Attended (13.16) FieldAs stated in the CALPADS File Specifications v8.6, Days Attended are the total number of days the student attended the school. Days Attended does not include days a student was absent due to an out-of-school suspension. Please note, Days Attended includes the days a student attended in-school suspension even though days in attendance in in-school suspension is reported separately in the Days in Attendance In-School Suspension (13.18) Field. Users have been receiving a STAS0318 (Invalid Total Absences and Days Attended) error for records where Days Attended does not already include Days in Attendance In-School Suspension. Days in Attendance In-School Suspension is not included in the total Absences as part of this validation.

Please ensure that your SIS is reporting the Days Attended (13.16) field correctly to CALPADS.


A letter dated May 5, 2017 was sent to Superintendents and Charter School Administrators highlighting the important areas of focus during the EOY data submission to CALPADS, as well as highlighting important changes for the 2017–18 reporting year. In particular, this letter highlights the use of the EOY data in the California School Dashboard (Dashboard) and the first-time collection of chronic absenteeism. This letter was also sent to CALPADS Administrators and is now posted on the CDE CALPADS Communications Webpage (under the Letters to Superintendents heading) at

The letter strongly urges Superintendents and Charter School Administrators to allocate sufficient staff resources to the timely and accurate submission and certification of these data now and in future years. The letter stresses that it is particularly important for LEAs to review these data for accuracy prior to certification, because once the EOY amendment window closes, LEAs will not receive another opportunity to decertify, correct, and recertify these data.


CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office | | 916-324-6738 



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