CARS NewsFlash #55 News Flash 55 was sent to LEA User Administrators announcing the 2016 Winter Release Webinar video has been posted to YouTube. To: Consolidated Application Subscription List, CARS LEA User Administrators From: Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) Project Team Date: January 27, 2017 Subject: Consolidated Application and Reporting System Update FLASH #55 2016 Winter Release Webinar The Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) Project Team has created a YouTube video: 2016 Winter Release Webinar. The recording provides an overview of how to navigate within the CARS and a general review of the Winter Release data collections. The direct link is: . We recommend that you view the recording in full screen mode to make the smaller text easier to read. Other Resources You can find other helpful resources on the Consolidated Application (ConApp) Web site at including: 2016–17 Consolidated Application Program Guidance2016–17 Consolidated Application Instructions Each form’s data entry instructions include step-by-step procedures to complete the form, a list of all error messages, and (if applicable) how to resolve the error. Also, the CARS Web page at includes the CARS LEA User Guide that contains more information on how the system works and how to use each of the tabs. Deadline Reminder All 2016 Winter Release data collections are due Tuesday, February 28, 2017. As the deadline approaches, and more LEAs are submitting data, the system performance will slow down due to the volume of data saved. We encourage you to avoid the rush and certify your ConApp early. Note: the data collections will remain open after the deadline while we validate submitted data and expedite unsubmitted data. Additional Information If you have any questions regarding CARS, please contact the Consolidated Application Support Desk by e-mail at
There are four unique listservs that disseminate info about CALPADS. One is maintained by CSIS/FCMAT and serves as a Q & A forum for day-to-day users. The other three are "one-way" messaging systems and do not accept replies. A list of these and their intended audiences and access instructions is below: "CALPADS" listservsIntended AudienceAccess Instructions 1. "CSIS-LS" Lot's of back-and-forth messages from CALPADS Coordinators Individuals who work on a daily basis with all aspects of the system, including preparing data for upload, working with various SIS systems, resolving errors, and validating/verifying data. The group is open to all local school district CALPADS administrators and usually has around 200 active participants. This is a lively back-and-forth discussion forum with roughly 25 to 50 email messages going back and forth each day. It is advisable to use a secondary email account just for this listserv or to create some rules within your email filter to sort these messages into their own folder. 2. "CALPADS-LEA" Only official information According to the CDE website, "The CALPADS-LEA listserv is a private listserv restricted to LEAs. All requests for membership will be reviewed before approval is granted." This is one of the official channels in which "Flash" updates from CDE regarding CALPADS is disseminated. Generally anyone who is the LEA CALPADS Coordinator should be on this list to receive deadline information, product improvement updates, known issues updates, and new data requirement updates. (Note to CDE - Since this is official information already posted on the CDE site, and not priviliged info in any way, it might make sense to open access of this list up a bit too! That way we can assign a unique email address to it (e.g.
Still don't have a revised date for the Fall 1 CALPADS cert. Hang in there everybody!
The results are in! The survey's have been tabulated! A huge thank you to the more than 150 districts who updated their enterprise systems this year in our 2nd annual EXPANDED survey. We've combined the results from the first and second surveys into a single searchable online index. We think this is currently the most accurate and complete list of systems in use by California K-12 public school districts. And there's still time to update YOUR district's list of enterprise systems if you didn't get a chance to do so yet. The online survey will stay open until the end of the school year and we'll update the list continuously throughout the year.
The following API's that we are tracking have been updated (note: external link to ProgrammableWeb) SchoolTimeOpen AssessmentsHeartland Payment SystemsWhipplehillStudyStackDigitalChalkIlluminate EducationChalkableEdmodoEdX Course StructureDIYStudy Island DictionaryKhan AcademyClever DataDiglibCodeLessonSchoologyInstructure CanvasSkill SearchSycamore SchoolBlackboard CollaborateData.ed.govHaiku Learning Management SystemOffice 365 SchoolsClever IdentityASPECT Vocabulary Bank for EducationDonorsChooseTurnItin Local School Database
In the last hours of the California legislative session, AB 2329 passed unanimously in both the Senate and Assembly and is now headed to the Governor! If you are so inclined, you can call or write letters to the Governor urging his signature on this important effort to develop a strategic plan for equity in computer science education in California. Here is a sample letter from the bill’s sponsor, Assemblywoman Bonilla, urging the Governor to sign AB2329. TechNet, along with a wide array of education and industry supporters applaud the California state legislature for approving AB 2329, legislation which would develop a comprehensive plan for computer science education across the state. Sponsored by Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla, Assembly Bill 2329 would establish a diverse advisory panel to develop a statewide computer science strategic plan, ensuring there is engagement from multiple stakeholders, including parents, teachers, students, advocates, policymakers, and leaders from state and local government. AB 2329This legislation ensures that California will have a statewide strategic plan that considers the following issues: Who can teach computer science and with what credentials;How to increase the pool of teachers;What computer science standards drive instruction; andHow to encourage students to take computer science classes. TechNet’s California Executive Director Andrea Deveau co-authored an op-ed in the Sacramento Beeon the importance of passing this legislation with Julie Flapan, executive director of the Alliance for California Computing Education for Students and Schools.
Dear LEA Representative, CALPADS Fall 1 training sessions are now open for registration. Please be sure to select the appropriate class that aligns best with your CALPADS experience. Classes will be added to the schedule as needed to accommodate the demand. To obtain detailed information about class descriptions and the target audiences for each class offered, please see the CALPADS Course Catalog on the FCMAT/CSIS Web site at All of the training sessions will be held via Microsoft Lync Internet conferencing. The training material, along with instructions regarding how to access the Web conference, will be sent one day prior to each training date. You may enroll in a training session via the FCMAT/CSIS Training Web site (see below). When you enroll, please be sure to note the training date on your calendar. Once you have enrolled in a training session, you will no longer see the "Enroll" button for that particular training session. (There will be a "Dis-enroll" button, should you no longer wish to be enrolled.) Please share this information with others in your agency where appropriate. COURSE TITLES: The following table lists available Fall 1 courses for CALPADS 2016 and the recommended target audience for each: Training SessionsRecommended Target AudienceFall 1 - Reporting and CertificationNew staff and experienced staff needing a refresher;Fall 1 - Advanced Reporting and CertificationExperienced staff who successfully completed Fall 1 last year TRAINING REGISTRATION: You must have an account for the FCMAT/CSIS Web site in order to register for training. The training registration process will require logging in to the FCMAT/CSIS Web site. If you do not have an account for the FCMAT/CSIS Web site, you will need to register for one: See the FCMAT/CSIS document entitled How to R= egister for an Account on the FCMAT-CSIS Web site at Once you have an account, you can register for training sessions. To register for the Fall 2016 CALPADS training sessions, visit the FCMAT/CSIS training Web page at Should you have any questions, please contact the CALPADS Service Desk via either of these methods: 1. Submitting a service request ticket via the CALPADS Service Request form at 2. E-mailing
(Note: Original Source: CALPADS Email from August 5, 2016 ) It’s time to begin preparations for the 2016 Fall 1 CALPADS data collection! This communication serves to announce the initial 2016–17 CALPADS training schedule and remind LEAs of the importance of training and the appropriate class sequence. The 2016–17 schedule starts off with offering the Essential 2 and Essential 3 courses, along with a new course regarding CALPADS documentation. The first Fall 1 training session will occur the week of September 12. Registration availability for the Fall 1 sessions will be posted in the beginning of September. NEW COURSE The Guide to CALPADS Documentationtraining sessionwill familiarize users with CALPADS documentation and support tools. In this session, we will review the purpose of the CALPADS documents, how they are used, how they link together, and where you can find them. This is not a required course for the Training Recognition award, but this course is highly recommended if you want to better understand how to get the most out of the documentation. NEW STAFF If you are new to CALPADS, you are expected to take the CALPADS Essential classes (course numbers 2–4) to become familiar with the CALPADS functionality. These Essential classes provide the foundation necessary to prepare for the specific data collections (Fall 1, Fall 2, etc.) as well as to prepare for the steps in Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) requests and Anomaly resolution. Once the Essential 2–3 classes are completed, you should attend the Fall 1 Reporting & Certification class. After the Fall 1 submission is well under way, you should attend the Essential 4 and Fall 2 classes. Additionally, the Q&A sessions listed in the schedule complement your learning experience and allow an opportunity to talk with support staff. The Q&A sessions require registration and are available to anyone, regardless of your training level. EXPERIENCED STAFF CALPADS users who completed the Fall 1 data submission last year do not need to take the Essential classes unless they feel that a repeat will be beneficial. The Fall 1 Advanced class was created for staff who have a strong understanding of the data submission process and want to learn about changes in the current year. SELF-PACED TRAINING Self-Paced modules for all the training sessions are available for everyone. The Self-Paced modules are a good alternative to the presenter-led sessions when you want to learn on your own, need a refresher on a particular topic, or can’t find time to attend the live sessions. We request that users register for the Self-Paced modules, so that we can update our records to reflect who has attended training. Self-Paced Registration can be found here: The Self-Paced content for Fall 1 will be updated by the end of November. CLASS ENROLLMENT To obtain detailed information about class descriptions and the target audiences for each class offered, please visit the FCMAT/CSIS Class Descriptions Web page at: All of the sessions will be held via Microsoft Skype Internet conferencing. The training material, along with instructions...
Accessibility Notes: Multiplication Table Please note the following information about the Multiplication Table (PDF) External link opens in new window or tab., available through the CAASPP Portal External link opens in new window or tab It is a non-embedded accommodation available to students in grades four and above who have an individualized education program or Section 504 plan. For students in grade three who have a documented need, it must be requested as an unlisted resource in TOMS. The use of the multiplication table in grade three can be found in Matrix One: Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations for the California Assessment of Student Performance and P...