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CALPADS Fall 1 Training News!

(Note: Original Source:  CALPADS Email from August 5, 2016 )

It’s time to begin preparations for the 2016 Fall 1 CALPADS data collection! This communication serves to announce the initial 2016–17 CALPADS training schedule and remind LEAs of the importance of training and the appropriate class sequence. 

The 2016–17 schedule starts off with offering the Essential 2 and Essential 3 courses, along with a new course regarding CALPADS documentation. The first Fall 1 training session will occur the week of September 12. Registration availability for the Fall 1 sessions will be posted in the beginning of September.


The Guide to CALPADS Documentationtraining sessionwill familiarize users with CALPADS documentation and support tools. In this session, we will review the purpose of the CALPADS documents, how they are used, how they link together, and where you can find them. This is not a required course for the Training Recognition award, but this course is highly recommended if you want to better understand how to get the most out of the documentation. 


If you are new to CALPADS, you are expected to take the CALPADS Essential classes (course numbers 2–4) to become familiar with the CALPADS functionality. These Essential classes provide the foundation necessary to prepare for the specific data collections (Fall 1, Fall 2, etc.) as well as to prepare for the steps in Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) requests and Anomaly resolution. Once the Essential 2–3 classes are completed, you should attend the Fall 1 Reporting & Certification class. After the Fall 1 submission is well under way, you should attend the Essential 4 and Fall 2 classes. Additionally, the Q&A sessions listed in the schedule complement your learning experience and allow an opportunity to talk with support staff. The Q&A sessions require registration and are available to anyone, regardless of your training level. 


CALPADS users who completed the Fall 1 data submission last year do not need to take the Essential classes unless they feel that a repeat will be beneficial. The Fall 1 Advanced class was created for staff who have a strong understanding of the data submission process and want to learn about changes in the current year. 


Self-Paced modules for all the training sessions are available for everyone. The Self-Paced modules are a good alternative to the presenter-led sessions when you want to learn on your own, need a refresher on a particular topic, or can’t find time to attend the live sessions. We request that users register for the Self-Paced modules, so that we can update our records to reflect who has attended training. Self-Paced Registration can be found here: The Self-Paced content for Fall 1 will be updated by the end of November. 


To obtain detailed information about class descriptions and the target audiences for each class offered, please visit the FCMAT/CSIS Class Descriptions Web page at: All of the sessions will be held via Microsoft Skype Internet conferencing. The training material, along with instructions regarding how to access the Web conference, will be sent one day prior to each training date. 


The following table depicts available courses for CALPADS 2016 training sessions and the recommended target audience for each course: 

Guide to CALPADS Documentation 

Essential 1 – CALPADS Data Coordinator Orientation 

Essential 2 – Features, Code Mapping, and User Access 

Essential 3 – SSID Requests, Enrollment and Maintenance 

Essential 4 – SSID Anomalies 

Fall 1 – Reporting and Certification 

Fall 1 Advanced – Reporting and Certification 



You must have an account for the FCMAT/CSIS Web site in order to register for training. 

To register for the 2016 CALPADS training sessions, visit the FCMAT/CSIS CALPADS Training] Web page. 

If the list of available courses exceeds more than one Web page, you will see pagination links at the bottom of the Web page. If these pagination links are visible: Simply click on the links to view additional classes. See the screen shot below. 

To dis-enroll from a class, please log in to the Web site and click on the “Disenroll” button next to the class in which you had previously enrolled. 

CALPADS Training Preparation 

FCMAT/CSIS Microsoft Skype will host the online training sessions. Please pay attention to the Training Reminder e-mail which is sent two days prior to the course start date: This e-mail contains the session link to join the training. 

Thank you,

FCMAT/CSIS Training Team

Smarter Balanced Tests Explained
ESSA Update - August 3rd, 2016


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