Duplicate SPED records exist for the same student
SeverityFATAL error - Must be corrected in order to post the record and/or certify your data.
Error Description
Only one SPED record may exist with the same SSID, Reporting LEA, SELPA Code, Special Education Meeting Type Code, Special Education Meeting Date, and Amendment Date.
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the error: A record in the SPED file matches an existing record in CALPADS on the SSID, Reporting LEA, SELPA Code, Special Education Meeting Type Code, Special Education Meeting Date, and Amendment Date, but the Special Educaiton Meeting or Amendment Identifier fields on the two records are different.
Fields Validated
14.04 - Reporting LEA
14.08 - SSID
14.10 - Local Special Education Student ID
14.15 - Reporting SELPA
14.20 - Special Education Meeting Type Code
14.21 - Special Education Meeting Date
Headache Factor