Missing Enrolled in US School Less Than Three Cumulative Years Indicator
SeverityError Description
If Student Birth Country Code Not Equal To US or Puerto Rico, then Enrolled in US School less than Three Cumulative Years Indicator must be populated
Suggested Resolution
1) If the Student Birth Country Code is correctly populated in submission, ensure the correct value for Enrolled in US School less than Three Cumulative Years Indicator is provided in the submitted record.
2) If the Student Birth Country Code is incorrectly populated in submission, change it so the correct value is submitted to CALPADS for the student information record of the SSID. See for the CALPADS Code Sets and File Specifications documents.
Fields Validated
2.22 - Student Birth Country Code
2.46 - Enrolled in US School less than Three Cumulative Years Indicator
Headache Factor
0061 - 061 - CALPADS - ERROR - FALL 1 - Missing Enrolled in US School - SINF - SINF0061 - STUDENT - Student Enrollment - Student Information
Solution Rating