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Date Mismatch For English Language Acquisition Status Code

FATAL error - Must be corrected in order to post the record and/or certify your data.

Error Description

If the English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) code being submitted does not match any ELAS code in CALPADS, then the ELAS Start Date being submitted must be greater than the most recent ELAS Start Date in CALPADS.  (In other words, you are trying to create a new ELAS record that PRE-DATES one or more records in CALPADS for the same language designation.  Shame on you! :)

Suggested Resolution

Verify the start and end dates of each English Language Status record.

If the English Language Status (ELAS) code being submitted equals the ELAS code in CALPADS -- then both English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) Start Dates must match.

Understanding the error.

California has a significant number of students whose primary language is not English. When those students FIRST enter a California public school K-12, the language status of each student is recorded.  A student's "Language Status" follows three main designations.  (A) if the student enters school with a verbal and/or written command of the English language and their primary language is identified as English they are designated as "EO" for English Only, (B) if they speak a second language at home but also enter school with the same verbal and/or written command of English they are identified as "IFEP" for "Initially Fluent and English Proficient, or (C) if the student is not yet fluent in academic English they are considered an "EL" or English Learner.

Example A:   A student enters Kindergarten on September 4, 2016 whose home language is English.

In this case the student is designated as an "English Only" (EO for short) and the start date of their first (AND ONLY) ELAS record will be 9/4/2016.  This date will never change, nor will there ever be an "exit date" for this ELAS record.  All references to the student's ELAS start date MUST match this same date or you will receive an error in CALPADS.  

One (and only) SELA record:

English Only - Start Date 9/4/2016.    End Date - blank

Example B:  A student enters Kindergarten on August 18th, 2015, and speaks the Hmong language but is not fluent in English.  HIs Home Language Survey, filled out by his parents, indicates that Hmong is the only language spoken in the home.

After providing the appropriate CELDT or ELPAC test to determine the student's level of English proficiency, the student is determined to be an "English Learner" (EL for short). Therefore an English Language Acquisition Start of 8/18/2015 will indicate that he is an English Learner.

First SELA record:

English Learner - Start Date 8/18/2015.

Eventually, as the student learns English through appropriate instruction, the student will be re-evaluated annually until a determination can be made that the student has met the criteria to successfully transition into classroom instruction without any additional language supports.  A new record (a second record) is created to indicate that the student is now designated as an "RFEP" or "Redesignated Fluent & English Proficient".  Assuming this takes place on March 15, 2019, the student's initial SELA record would "close" and a new, second record would open.

First SELA record:

English Learner - Start Date 8/18/2015  - END DATE 3/15/2019 (Note: NEW)

Second SELA record:

RFEP - Start Date 3/15/2019  -    Note, like an EO record, there is no "end date" to an RFEP record.  And you DO NOT now indicate that the student is "EO".  The RFEP designation is meant as a reminder to acknowledge the student has successfully transitioned from an English Learner to a now English proficient student and that this transition has been successfully documented.



The ELAS Start Date being submitted is different than the ELAS start date on file in CALPADS for the same ELAS code.

The system will maintain a single record per ELA status, regardless of the LEA where the student is enrolled.   Only the original owner can update the status date.  If CALPADS has the wrong date contact LEA who owns the record. Otherwise, ignore the error.

Fields Validated

12.13 English Language Acquisition Status Code

12.14 English Language Acquisition Status Start Date

Headache Factor


0283 - 283 - CALPADS - ELAS - English - EnglishLanguageAquisitionStatus - ERROR - FALL 1 - Language - SELA - Student - StudentLanguage

Solution Rating
4.5/5 rating (2 votes)

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