Student Primary Language Code Cannot Equal English (00) Or Sign Language (37) When English Language Acquisition Status Code Equals EL, RFEP, Or IFEP
SeverityError Description
English Language Acquisition Status Code equal to EL, RFEP, or IFEP must have a Primary Language Code other than English (00) or Sign Language (37).
Suggested Resolution
1) If the English Language Acquisition Status Code is correctly populated in submission, ensure the correct value for Primary Language Code is provided for the SSID in CALPADS ODS.
2) If the English Language Acquisition Status Code is incorrectly populated in submission, change it so the correct value is submitted to CALPADS for the student information record of the SSID. See http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/systemdocs.asp for the CALPADS Code Sets and File Specifications documents.
Fields Validated
2.04 - Effective Start Date (SIDM Record Type)
2.23 - Primary Language Code (SIDM Record Type)
2.41 - English Language Acquisition Status Code (SIEL Record Type)
Headache Factor