Required Field Missing
SeverityError Description
A required field for the submitted Records Type is missing
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the Error:
A Student Information file (Record Type=SINF) in CALPADS has specified fields that are required to be submitted. One or more of these fields is missing in the submitted file.
Things to check for in submission:
Verify that the fields listed in the Fields Validated column are included in the submitted file.
Suggested Resolution:
1) See for the CALPADS Code Sets and File Specifications documents and the "CALPADS File Specifications" document for required fields.
2) If file produced from local SIS, contact vendor/technical resource to determine the reason for missing field(s) and to determine how to resolve the problem.
Fields Validated
2.01 - Record Type Code
2.04 - Effective Start Date
2.06 - Reporting LEA
2.08 - Academic Year ID
2.09 - SSID
2.10 - Local Student ID
2.11 - Student Legal First Name
2.13 - Student Legal Last Name
2.18 - Student Birth Date
2.19 - Student Gender Code
2.22 - Student Birth Country Code
2.23 - Primary Language Code
2.32 - Grade Level Code
2.33 - Primary Residence Category Code
2.50 - Parent Guardian Highest Education Level Code
Headache Factor