Frontline Absence & Time
Product Details
One solution for employee absences & time
A lot rests on effectively managing employee absences and time. You have to ensure that qualified substitutes cover every absence, accurately compensate each employee for their time, stay compliant with labor laws and know where all of your employees are during a drill or emergency. That’s a tall order — especially if you have to keep logging into different systems to keep track of employees’ absences, time worked and holidays. But keeping track of all this doesn’t have to be a chore. With Frontline Absence & Time (formerly Aesop and VeriTime), you can effectively manage employee attendance, without taking up your own time.
Teacher Absence
Quickly Find the Most Qualified Substitutes
When teachers are out, learning can suffer. Use skill settings, preference lists, and exclusion lists to find the substitute who is the most qualified to cover each absence.
Easily Manage Substitute Scheduling
Manage substitute hours to maintain compliance with labor laws and stay on top of what your district is spending on employee absences.
Engage Substitutes and Provide Knowledge
Attach useful documents like lesson plans to each absence and offer online training to help your substitutes grow as effective educators.
Proactively Improve Employee Attendance
Access key absence data and rest easy knowing you are properly staffed to ensure uninterrupted student learning.
Time and attendance
Track Hours and Attendance in Real Time
Automate and manage all aspects of time and attendance to ensure you’re compliant and on budget. Improve accountability and accuracy by eliminating manual entry.
Easily Support K-12 Time Tracking and Attendance Needs
Time & Attendance was made for the unique needs of K-12 time tracking. You can even offer contactless clock-in options, including the Frontline mobile app.
Get the Complete Picture of Employee Attendance
Time & Attendance integrates with Absence Management, ensuring data is accurate and eliminating the need to rekey information from one system to another.
Gain Visibility into Who Is Working in Your Schools
Get real time and historical views of where employees are or have been to improve accountability and to aid in contact tracing or in case of an emergency.
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
School Districts in California that use Frontline*