Product Details
Pupil Records Online Management Information System, PROMIS, was developed by the San Joaquin County Office of Education to address the specific needs of County Offices of Education. PROMIS has the ability to track high rates of student movement and provides several options for attendance tracking and grading, specifically designed for county programs. PROMIS provides centralized data allowing for multiple school sites to work seamlessly together within their District and provides live, real-time data, including student test scores, transcripts, discipline information, and demographic data. PROMIS also offers several tools to help with ADA Reporting, CALPADS Reporting, and other state reporting requirements.
PROMIS Modules
- State Reporting (CSIS/CALPADS, Pre-ID)
- ADA Reports (J27/28 & J18/19, Supplemental Instructional Hours, DOR & Revenue Source Report)
- Meal Tracker
- Miscellaneous Reports (Truancy Report & Absence Report, Teacher Attendance Verification Report, Offense Report)
- Attendance Accounting (Daily, IS, Hourly, Fifth Hour, Sixth Hour, & Period Attendance)
- School Set Up (Calendar set up per site, Reporting Divisors, Courses and Sections, Custom Fields & Custom Report Generator, Compatible with TELEPARENT & EDCONNECT Phone Dialer Systems)
- Transcripts and Progress Reports
How PROMIS Is Different From Other SIS?
- Has the ability to track the high rate of student movement
- Integrated Hourly, Daily Independent, 5th & 6th hour Attendance Tracking and the ability to report separately
- Tracks students ADA revenue at any given time and allows the users to change and adjust the attendance accounting automatically.
- Built in Alerts (Drops, Suspensions, Transfers, Students enrolled for more than 30 and 90 days, etc.)
- Built-in reports for county programs (J18-19C, J27-28, Revenue Source, Residence District, etc.)
- Fully Interoperable with Special Education Information System (SEIS)
- Post credits through drop and transfer forms
- Incorporate credits earned from different institutions
- Accommodates California educational requirements
- No software to maintain
- No data to backup/No servers required
PROMIS is Currently used by 14 California County Offices of Education
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
School Districts in California that use Promis*