Star Assessments by Renaissance Learning
Product Details
Guide amazing pre-K–12 growth with a “true north” compass on students’ mastery of California state standards. Star 360, the leading interim and formative assessment, lights the learning path for grade-level domain mastery down to the sub-skill level. You’ll see precisely what students have mastered, the goals they need to reach, and the optimal path to proficiency. In less than 20 minutes, one-third the time of other assessments, you’ll gain valid, reliable insights to make informed decisions, personalize learning, and lead every student to mastery.
Student Data Privacy
Review the Common Sense Privacy Rating:
Star Assessments by Renaissance Learning Privacy Policy:
Signed California Student Data Privacy Agreement?
The Student Growth Percentile (SCP) value provided for individual students is one of the metrics recognized by the California Department of Education as an approved indicator of "individual student growth." See the CaliforniaState Board of Education November 2020 agenda Item #14 for more information.
Compatible with the following interoperability frameworks or products:
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
School Districts in California that use Renaissance*