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Illuminate DNA

Illuminate DNA

Product Details

The Complete Achievement System You need good data to improve instruction, and it starts with assessments. DnA provides teachers with one place to seamlessly build and administer formative assessments, capture and analyze multiple sources of data to inform instruction, and direct students to learning resources needed to support specific, targeted standards. With Illuminate DnA, teachers have access to a singular ecosystem of continuous feedback to dramatically improve student performance. We'd like to think of DnA as a teacher's best friend.

  • Formative / Just-in-Time
  • Universal Screenings
  • Diagnostic
  • Progress Monitoring
  • Interim
  • Summative

Compatible with the following interoperability frameworks or products:

This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.

School Districts in California that use Illuminate*


Illuminate DNA


Creating a Manual Assessment-Illuminate
Illuminate DnA overview of the system
Illuminate Education - Accessing Assessment Reports
Illuminate Education - Scanning Student Responses
How to Create Student Login Cards with Illuminate and Google Sheets
How to Create a Test with Illuminate Education
Cron Job Starts