Siras Systems
Product Details
The SELPA Information Records and Analysis Support, or SIRAS Systems, is a comprehensive web based database program that provides online management of student IEP and SELPA data. SIRAS reduces IEP paperwork by managing the accuracy of the data, while validating the student’s compliance status. SIRAS is the 2nd most widely used IEP/Caseload management/CASEMIS system in California with over 150 districts and over 8 SELPAs. The simple and logical interface allows the user to navigate through the system intuitively. The use of dropdown menus contained within forms of the IEP Manager, combined with our unique GoalWizard, allow SIRAS the ability to instantly translate the majority of your IEP from English to Spanish. With 20 years of experience, SIRAS has been uniquely crafted to meet our client’s expectations of a qualified comprehensive IEP system. Design elements from a collaboration of special education teachers, CASEMIS clerks, special ed. support staff and other related technological staff over time to accommodate common IEP, IEP to SIS, CASEMIS needs, including the transition to CALPADS.
- ‘FULL’ CASEMIS support & reporting system (integration with CDE CASEMIS software);
- NEW SST-RTI tracking module and 504 Plan module
- Service Log – Log, search, report and graph service logs
- Easy customization of the system and inclusion of your SELPA/district forms;
- GoalWizard develops legally defendable goals and translates them into Spanish; academic behaviors aligned to Common Core standards; over 15,600 behaviors encompassing a variety of domains;
- Thousands of assessments associated with many of the goals when developed by GoalWizard;
- Forms in English and Spanish: fill out the English form and popup menus translate instantly into Spanish form;
- Has built in conductivity with any competitive SIS (i.e. Aeries) via bi-directional State CASEMIS data file feeds;
- Additional data fields can be added as needed;
- Documents can be uploaded then appended to the IEP or Assessment Report to become one PDF document;
- Statistical reports with graphing capabilities;
- Customizable lists and queries that can be saved to use repeatedly; Avery labels; bulk forms;
- Customizable user roles and access levels including Personnel Report;
- Form compliance system includes color coded indicators and lists incomplete items on forms;
- Search, list and report on current or archived CASEMIS submissions as well as IEP data;
- View only options for DOR records: have view only access of IEPs for your DOR students outside the LEA;
- DRDP / CAASPP (TOMS export) / CAA / CAST / Smarter Balanced / CELDT reporting;
- Organizes workflow based on the meeting purpose generating only required and optional forms for student;
- Case manager, School and District Calendar with built in Bulletin Board;
- SELPA / District / School compliance summary reports;
- Online support documentation with embedded online training videos.
Support Options
- Phone
Full CASEMIS support and reporting system (integration with CDE CASEMIS software) Staff from SIRAS Systems assist in arbitrating duplicates for SELPA and providing to the SELPA and districts current, historical and anomaly reports. SELPA / District / School compliance summary reports all available with SIRAS before and after CASEMIS reporting period.
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
School Districts in California that use Siras*