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Product Details

Our mission is to help educators inspire their students, engage their learners, perfect their craft, and share their experiences to help others do the same. Never stop growing. Never stop learning. Never stop sharing. Online professional development.

More than 600,000 teachers per year. 

What’s inside? Award winning webinars from real teachers and expert educational consultants and a community full of like-minded educators. The webinars are short and to the point – full of practical, actionable advice you can apply to your classroom the very next day.

The community is amazing. Imagine a place where everyone understands your struggles – both in and out of the classroom. Where you’re all in it together. Earn your CEUs while connecting and sharing with your peers in a supportive (and fun!) environment.

It’s easy to join.  Purchase a yearly membership with our 45 day “You’re Gonna Love It” money back guarantee.  Earn your CEUs online. Get motivated. Learn something new. And join a thriving community of educators from around the world. A cheaper, more convenient alternative to earning your CEUs.

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This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
Redlands School District
San Bernardino COE
Vista Unified

School Districts in California that use SimpleK12*

Currently there is no data in the system

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