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Product Details

A library management service that caters to libraries, schools, organizations, and home catalogs. Online software lets you create multiple collections, catalog books, board games, movies, music, and video games, create tags, leave notes, import/export, share your collections and much more. Offers two different subscription options to best fit your needs. 

Student Data Privacy
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Signed California Student Data Privacy Agreement?
  • Automatic Data for Books, Movies, Music and Video Games. Just scan your ISBN/UPC barcode using a physical scanner or our free mobile apps.
  • Cloud Sync allows you to access your collections from anywhere on virtually any device.
  • Create up to 100 mixed media collections. Books, board games, movies, music, and games - keep them together or separate.

Libib Pro: Lending, patron management, custom fields, barcode management, single click restorations, or an interactive online library

Support Options
  • Email
  • Web
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.

School Districts in California that use Libib*

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