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Classify Learning


Product Details

Classify Learning is a complete K-12 assessment and learning management solution featuring best in class technology and effortless integrations.  Classify Learning is a platform where teachers and students are able to manage assessments and access data in one place, as well as communicate with others among the same district for resources and professional development. 

  1. Assessments
    • Over 50+ item types to choose from 
    • 5 different ways to score your items (Per part, All or Nothing, Dependent/EBSR, Basic and Advanced Rubrics)
    • Give access to other "graders" to help score items while keeping student identity anonymous
    • Give your students access to calculators, protractors, rulers, audio players, and video players 
  2. Learning Management System (LMS)
    • Keep all your student data in one place rather than multiple systems
    • Administer professional development or announcements to teachers, parents, etc.
    • Connect with the entire school district community by sharing resources
  3. Reporting
    • Analyze the overall performance of an assessment
    • Compare pre and post test results 
    • District users can compare up to 10 assessments
    • Users manage their own API key to access assessment data
Compatible with the following interoperability frameworks or products:

Support Options
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Web
  1. Clever
  2. Learnosity
  3. Tableau
  4. Google Data Studio
  5. Custom Integrations from Classify Learning
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.

School Districts in California that use Classify*

Currently there is no data in the system

Learning Management Systems Discussion

1621 Hits 0 Votes 1 Replies
Posted on Tuesday, 25 September 2018
Has anyone used EduClimber as part of an MTSS system?
1397 Hits 0 Votes 0 Replies
Posted on Friday, 10 February 2017
Here's a newer system I've not yet heard about. Naiku. IT Director recommended ...
Cron Job Starts