Asset Panda
Product Details
Asset tracking for educational institutions shouldn’t be a complicated and time consuming process. Asset Panda’s Asset Tracking and Management Platform makes it simple to inventory your school’s assets and the task of managing them more efficient. By cataloging and organizing everything from computers and calculators to books and classroom supplies, Asset Panda gives you anytime anywhere access to real-time asset information, even tracking student-issued and grant-funded assets as well.
Asset Panda’s built-in barcode scanning technology helps you streamline device check-in and checkout for better tracking. See where your assets are and what condition they’re in, all in one convenient place.
With our school inventory software, you can access centralized asset data and add unlimited users, freeing up lots of previously wasted time and energy.
With on-the-fly updates for inventory tracking, you'll know everywhere your asset has been from purchase to disposal. This helps you enforce compliance with grant requirements, reduce asset downtime, and get detailed reports that will help you make smarter purchases in the future.
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
School Districts in California that use Panda*