Xtra Math
Product Details
XtraMath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides an online supplemental math program for students in grades K-8. Our online math fact fluency program helps students develop fluency with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts and build the computational memory that enables greater success in higher-level mathematics.
XtraMath is an online math fact fluency program that helps students develop quick recall and automaticity of basic math facts. Students with a strong foundation have greater confidence and success learning more advanced math like fractions and algebra.
XtraMath is an online math fact fluency program that helps students develop quick recall and automaticity of basic math facts. Students with a strong foundation have greater confidence and success learning more advanced math like fractions and algebra.
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•10 minutes a day for math fluency
•Adaptive Practice for each Student
XtraMath generates individual practice sessions automatically based on assessment of each student's progress.
•Assessments and practice to augment curriculum instruction
•Our technology is easy even on a single device shared by students
•Offers mutiple rostering integrations
•Comprehensive Reports for Teachers & Parents
We make it easy for teachers to track their students' progress and achievements.
Just sign up to receive weekly reports and get access to class and individual progress.
Just sign up to receive weekly reports and get access to class and individual progress.
Support Options
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
School Districts in California that use Xtra Math*
Currently there is no data in the system