Reading Plus
Product Details
Reading Plus is the most comprehensive literacy intervention available for students in grades 3 through 12. The online program helps students build the efficiency, stamina, and silent reading fluency required to support comprehension and make reading more comfortable, enjoyable, and productive. Reading Plus is proven to develop the independent reading capacities of non-proficient readers, students who need reinforcement to master grade-level standards, and English learners. Students in upper elementary, middle, and high school who use Reading Plus get what they need, when they need it, at the pace that works best for them.
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Seventy percent of non-proficient students read inefficiently—they struggle to move their eyes smoothly and comfortably over lines of texts at an appropriate rate. These students are often assessed for gaps in foundational skills and comprehension, when the actual hurdle is reading inefficiency. Reading Plus not only assesses efficiency, but also measures and increases motivation and comprehension. Students are given choice and control to practice at their own pace with a program that uses adaptive technology in a truly meaningful way.
Reading Plus Offers Solutions for:
Reading Plus Offers Solutions for:
Reading Plus produces 2.5 years of growth in just 60 hours of personalized instruction.
•2.5 Level Gains in 60 Hours
•2.0 Level Gains in 40 Hours
•1.0 Level Gains for College & Career Readiness in 20 Hours
•2.0 Level Gains in 40 Hours
•1.0 Level Gains for College & Career Readiness in 20 Hours
Resources for Educators
Reading Plus simplifies the instructional planning process with interactive support for every teacher, including professional development videos to printable resources and lesson tutorials to support the needs of each student, automatic recommendations for small group instruction, and access to rich student data.
Compatible with the following interoperability frameworks or products:
Support Options
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
School Districts in California that use Reading Plus*