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Product Details

Make beautiful boards to collect, organize, and present anything.

Student Data Privacy
Review the Common Sense Privacy Rating:
Padlet Privacy Policy:

Signed California Student Data Privacy Agreement?
Beautiful by default
Stunning backgrounds. Clean fonts. Pixel perfect designs. Straight out of the box.

Get things done fast
One click creation with a gallery full of useful templates. Lightning fast uploads. Keyboard shortcuts.

Collaborate in person or remotely
Real time updates on a shared screen. Students can comment, vote on, and like posts.

Engage Safely
Control student permissions. Control privacy settings. Automated content moderation.

Everything in One Place
Prep for your lessons, lead your class, and evaluate your students all with one tool.

Student Choice
Students can create with text, audio, video, or images on the device of their choice.

Easy to Onboard and Manage
Provision licenses with invite links, CSV upload, LMS, or SSO. Google, Microsoft, SAML.

Integrate with your LMS and Apps
Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard, Blackbaud, Schoology, Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams.

Use Anywhere on Any Device
45 languages. Apps for web, Chromebook, Mac, PC, iOS, Android.

Exceptional Service
Contact support 24/7. Knowledge base, email, WhatsApp, Zoom, professional development, webinars.

Private, Secure, and Compliant
Compliant with SOC 2, GDPR, FERPA, Ed Law 2D, and more. Control what content can be shared.
Compatible with the following interoperability frameworks or products:

Support Options
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.

School Districts in California that use Padlet*

Currently there is no data in the system


What is Padlet?
Padlet Tutorial for Teachers
How to make an AI-guided discussion board on Padlet