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Product Details

Edmentum offers flexible learning solutions that support each student and his or her unique academic interests and goals. Our comprehensive online tools adapt learning to student needs and enable educators to deliver targeted instruction, while our implementation expertise helps facilitate a blended learning approach in alignment with your technology strategy.

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Adapt learning to each individual student
Address learning gaps and maximize growth opportunities by delivering instruction in alignment with your students' academic readiness for grades K–6 and 7–12.

Deliver targeted instruction
It’s not enough for students to be supported in a tailored online environment—an individualized approach should also extend into teacher-led classroom instruction.

Facilitate 1:1 learning experiences
As schools seek the elusive magic bullet that will help prepare students for 21st century learning expectations, 1:1 technology implementations continue to rise. But, we also know that a device is only as powerful as the high-quality programs and blended-learning strategy that surrounds it.

Compatible with the following interoperability frameworks or products:

Support Options
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Web
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.

School Districts in California that use Edmentum*


Edmentum Courseware Overview
Edmentum: Learning Acceleration for Every Student