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DBQ Online

DBQ Online

Product Details

The DBQ Project was founded in 2000 to support teachers and students in learning to read smart, think straight, and write more clearly. As teachers, we believe all students can develop high-level critical thinking skills if they have consistent instruction and a chance to practice. We also believe that when we provide teachers with materials that blend educational best practices  and content-specific questions, we promote and support transformational change in our schools.

DBQ Online takes The DBQ Project to a whole new level. Teachers and students have the tools to read and annotate documents, take notes, organize or “bucket” evidence, and write papers in our online environment. That’s just the beginning.

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The DBQ Project (Document-Based Question Project) is an educational resource that focuses on teaching students critical thinking skills through the use of historical documents. Here are the key features of the DBQ Project:

  1. Document-Based Questions (DBQs): The core of the DBQ Project is its Document-Based Questions, which are historical inquiry activities that require students to analyze primary and secondary sources. DBQs typically revolve around a central historical question or theme.

  2. Historical Inquiry Process: The DBQ Project guides students through a structured historical inquiry process:

    • Engage: Students are introduced to a historical topic or question.
    • Investigate: Students analyze a set of primary and secondary sources related to the topic.
    • Synthesize: Students develop a thesis or argument based on their analysis of the sources.
    • Connect: Students connect their analysis to broader historical contexts and draw conclusions.
  3. Primary and Secondary Sources: DBQs include a variety of primary sources (such as letters, speeches, diaries, photographs, and artifacts) and secondary sources (historical texts, interpretations, analyses) for students to examine and analyze.

  4. Critical Thinking Skills: The DBQ Project emphasizes the development of critical thinking skills, including sourcing, contextualization, corroboration, and argumentation. Students learn to evaluate the reliability of sources, understand historical context, and construct well-supported arguments.

  5. Writing and Argumentation: Students are required to write structured essays or responses based on their analysis of the documents. This includes developing a thesis statement, organizing evidence, and presenting a coherent argument supported by evidence from the sources.

  6. Differentiation and Adaptation: The DBQ Project provides resources and strategies for teachers to differentiate instruction based on students' readiness levels and learning styles. Teachers can adapt DBQ activities to meet the needs of diverse learners.

  7. Professional Development: The DBQ Project offers professional development workshops and resources for educators to learn effective strategies for teaching with DBQs. This includes training on implementing DBQs in the classroom, assessing student work, and integrating historical thinking skills into instruction.

  8. Cross-Curricular Connections: While primarily used in social studies/history classrooms, DBQs can also be integrated across other disciplines, such as English language arts, to strengthen literacy skills and interdisciplinary connections.

  9. Scoring Rubrics and Feedback: The DBQ Project provides scoring rubrics and guidelines for assessing student responses to DBQs. This helps teachers provide constructive feedback and evaluate student proficiency in historical thinking and writing skills.

  10. Engagement and Inquiry-Based Learning: DBQs promote active learning and student engagement by encouraging inquiry-based exploration of historical topics. Students develop a deeper understanding of history through hands-on analysis and interpretation of primary sources.

Compatible with the following interoperability frameworks or products:

DBQ Online offers a variety of ways for schools and districts to connect with DBQ Online.

  • HTML platform compatible with ALL browsers except for IE and Edge
  • PC, Mac, Chromebook, iPad-friendly
  • Access from desktops, laptops, tablets
  • No new passwords with Single Sign-On Integration
  • Integrates with GSuite, Canvas, Schoology, Clever, & ClassLink SSO
  • ClassLink OneRoster
For a more detailed list of systems requirements, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.

School Districts in California that use DBQ Online*

Currently there is no data in the system


DBQ Online 2.0
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