Product Details
Biblionasium is a fun and engaging reading community that will help you connect to your students outside of the classroom. You can setup your favorite books and recommended lists on virtual bookshelves that will be available to your students at all times. Students can email you their reading logs instead of handing them in on paper; you can set up fun challenges and rewards that will help encourage your students to keep reading, and you can set up a reading list that the students won’t lose. It brings children together and gives them a chance to easily recommend books to each other.
Student Data Privacy
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Biblionasium Privacy Policy:
Signed California Student Data Privacy Agreement? No
Biblionasium Privacy Policy:
Signed California Student Data Privacy Agreement? No
This social network is 100% kid-tested & kid-approved.
Connect with friends & see which books are popular.
Recommend your favorites to everyone.
Build your own virtual bookshelf.
Meet your digital students on their turf.
Meet your digital students on their turf.
Inspire book discovery and book talk.
Students easily share book reviews and recommendations.
Effortlessly manage & monitor reading lists and reading challenges.
It's no muss no fuss when your students' reading logs go digital.
Search over 1.4 million books for a favorite.
Search over 1.4 million books for a favorite.
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