Product Details
Manage work orders, schedule preventive maintenance, and optimize your facility's operational processes.
Key capabilities
- Configurable request forms
- Full mobile access
- Automatic routing
- Inventory supply management
- QR code tagging
Documented work history
Keep an automated record of your work history to expedite troubleshooting and meet regulatory compliance.
Photo & file attachments
Include photos, videos, documents, and files with any of your requests, equipment records, and more.
Equipment warranties & manuals
Keep a paperless record of your equipment serial numbers, warranty information, and user manuals for quick access.
Communication threads
Consolidate your emails, phone calls, and word-of-mouth conversations into one system.
Notifications & alerts
Stay informed on all your related work through real-time updates and alerts on time-sensitive tasks.
Worker availability
See current tasks in progress and identify technicians available for assignment.
Automatic routing
Save time and resolve work faster by automatically assigning the technician best suited for the task.
Approval chains
Set an optional chain of approvals to prioritize incoming work and reduce the number of tickets in your backlog.
Time clock & labor tracking
Create a reliable labor tracking system with a built-in time clock to improve accountability and justify staffing needs.
Cost tracking & summaries
Track costs across all your tickets to improve budgeting and operational decisions.
Inventory supply management
Track spare parts and consumables to always see the remaining inventory left in stock.
Satisfaction surveys
Follow-up on completed work to ensure vendors and technicians meet your quality standards.
Associated requests
Easily associate related work orders to cross-reference on large, multifaceted tasks.
Request type categories
Organize incoming work by department and category, each with its own configured workflow.
Filtered task list
Create personalized views to see upcoming, overdue, or all tasks assigned to a particular technician.
Vendor & contact management
Keep a directory of vendors, suppliers, and outside contacts for quick reference.
Support Options
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
School Districts in California that use FMX*