Product Details
You need a Secure Web Gateway (SWG) solution that can go to work today and scale tomorrow. Built for the cloud, the iboss Distributed Gateway Platform is the first and only web gateway as a service that delivers unmatched security for the needs of modern, distributed organizations. Delivered as a 100% SaaS subscription, our cloud-based architecture eliminates the need to buy appliances or backhaul data, resulting in immediate ROI.
Student Risk Module Identifies Threats
Safeguard Student Risk to monitor signs of cheating, suicide, drug use, bullying, violence, and mass shootings, to protect students & schools
Web Filtering for CIPA Compliance
Streamline web filtering and CIPA compliance for students whether on campus or at home
Granular Student Web Activity Reports
Generate detailed web activity history reports for any student which includes on-campus at home Internet use
YouTube and Social Media Controls
Safe access to Google, YouTube and social media including Safe Search enforcement
Automatic Safe Search Enforcement
Enforce Safe Search across search engines including Google, Bing, Yahoo and YouTube
Create Teacher and Student Based Policies
Flexible filtering polices for teachers vs. students across any device on or off network
Cloud Web Security for One to One Initiatives
Easily take home devices in the cloud to ensure CIPA compliance at all times
Ensure Fast Connections During State Testing
Achieve seamless and uninterrupted state testing
iboss Classroom Management
Visually monitor the activities of all of your students, from any location
Support Options
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
School Districts in California that use iBoss*