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Product Details

Schoolytics is the most powerful, flexible platform for building and sharing data-dashboards to track student outcomes and monitor progress. By combining student data from the student information system (SIS), learning management system (LMS), and formative and summative assessments, Schoolytics provides a holistic learning profile for every student. The platform also offers simple, flexible reporting to surface powerful insights to help educators transform data into action. Teachers and administrators use Schoolytics to pursue data-driven instruction, save time, and support students at scale. Students also use Schoolytics to stay organized, while a guardian portal helps parents track their children’s academic progress with ease.

End-to-end Managed Service: A fully accessible data warehouse (no black box) with a user-friendly web application for dashboards and reporting.

Customizability: Custom data and dashboards that fit a district's unique needs and goals. Districts can build their own or build together with Schoolytics.

Automation: Automated data connectors to multiple systems that replace manual data work and improve security.

Democratization: Role-based permissioning and dashboards for all stakeholders -- administrators, instructional coaches, intervention specialists, teachers, students, and parents.

Superpowers: Email connections and AI allow for more users to take action from the data.
Compatible with the following interoperability frameworks or products:

Support Options
  • Email
  • Web
LMS: Google Classroom, Schoology, Canvas, Transparent ClassroomSIS: PowerSchool, Infinite Campus, Skyward, Synergy, Aeries, Blackbaud

Assessments: NWEA Map, iReady, IXL, DIBELS, DeltaMath, Illuminate, Fountas & Pinnell, College Board (SAT/PSAT), Edulastic, Lincoln Learning, Mastery Connect

Google Sheets
Google Drive
Google Meet

Custom integrations available.

This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.

School Districts in California that use Schoolytics*

Currently there is no data in the system


Schoolytics: How to toggle between teacher and admin views
Schoolytics Guardian Account Overview
Schoolytics in Action: Missing Assignments
What is Schoolytics? Upgrading Google Classroom