Spotlight Education
Product Details
Spotlight's College and Career Readiness Guide ("CCRG") is a personalized source of information that converts student data into a series of infographics laying out a student's post-graduation trajectory, as well as the specific steps they can take to reach for a higher level of postsecondary aspiration.
The CCRG draws data from any student information system, as well as assessment results (PSAT/SAT, ACT, or even CAASPP) and any career interest survey. Spotlight's proprietary software then converts this data into personalized reports -- one for every year, as well as a home-language copy for parents. Spotlight has thus far produced parent versions in English, Spanish, Hmong, Khmer, Vietnamese, Mandarin Chinese, and Arabic. CCRG reports may be delivered as printed PDFs, but also can be securely emailed, texted (PDF links) or placed in a student or parent portal.
Spotlight also produces CCRG copies for counselors, as well as a comprehensive, summary report that allows counselors to prioritize among the hundreds of students with whom they work.
Spotlight's College and Career Readiness Guide shows students where they may be headed after graduating, but also lays out the possibilities -- where they could be headed after implementing targeted remediations -- and the specific actions they should take to reach that higher potential.
Students and parents do not have to log in and navigate a site. Instead, they receive an easy-to-read report that includes:
- An overview of the report
- A California map, showing colleges where the student is on track to gain admission, and that the student may be able to attain with improvements to grades or test scores
- Personalized course-by-course tracking against the district's graduation and California's A-G requirements, as well as specific alerts when a student is not on track to meet these requirements
- A table describing locally available positions and wages for career areas that the student has indicated are of interest, as well as nearby colleges with certificate and degree programs that are relevant to those career areas
- Specific action steps, driven by a student's data, that are intended to help them raise their post-graduation trajectory. These action steps can be district- or even school-based, such as tutoring programs that may prove particularly relevant for the individual student.
Support Options
- Phone
- Web
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
School Districts in California that use Spotlight*