Product Details
With bulb, teachers can easily have students capture and reflect on their learning experiences and then use their best work to showcase their growth & accomplishments and incentivise them to take charge of their learning journey.
Student Data Privacy
Review the Common Sense Privacy Rating: https://www.commonsense.org/education/reviews/bulb
bulb Privacy Policy: https://my.bulbapp.com/privacy-policy/
Signed California Student Data Privacy Agreement? No
bulb Privacy Policy: https://my.bulbapp.com/privacy-policy/
Signed California Student Data Privacy Agreement? No
Integrates with the apps you already use.
bulb integrates with countless learning management systems like Google Classroom, Canvas, Schoology and Blackboard and video, audio, images and over 2,000 types of embedded media so the different learning artifacts students create are organized in one beautiful place to showcases students’ skills, growth and achievements.
Content creation professional and simpler than ever before.
Content creation professional and simpler than ever before.
With bulb, students take charge of their learning by creating and assembling artifacts of learning with rich multimedia, document their process, and reflect on their learning all in a portfolio that goes with them from class to class, and beyond.
Use bulb as a space to set goals, capture growth, and keep a living library of classwork. Then, use your portfolios to demonstrate expertise, soft skills, and achievements when applying for internships and colleges.
Use bulb as an online platform to share materials, organize lesson plans, and create templates for students. Utilize features like assignments, groups, and the admin dashboard to provide structure and streamline your classroom experience.
Compatible with the following interoperability frameworks or products:
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