In today’s security conscious environment, most businesses will track and monitor visitors and keep a record of their time spent on the premises. NEC’s Front Desk Assistant application transforms your visitor’s experience. With FDA at your receptionist desk, a visitor simply walks up and the application guides them through the process of checking-in/out step by step. This complete solution includes the Front Desk Assistant application software that you can customize with your logo, integrated facial recognition software that streamlines the process and enhances security and a badge printer. Integrating with NEC’s facial recognition the visitor check-in and out process is streamlined by validating the guest and automatically processing them.
Host Alerts:
Host no longer have to wait in the lobby for their visitor. The FDA will notify the host when their guest arrive. By not wasting time in the lobby employees will be more productive. The notification also includes a photo the visitor to help you identify them in a crowed lobby.
The Front Desk Assistant records all visitor entries and lets you easily download a detailed report in Excel. You are able to keep a history of all visitors that even includes their picture.
Guest/Visitor Experience:
Front Desk Assistant Components:
FDA Server: FDA Server provides an administration console for detailed reports, visitor database management, configure user logins and system configuration.
NEC Facial Recognition Server: NEC Facial Recognition Server provides facial recognition database lookups and match results to the FDA Server.
Android Tablet: Android tablet provides the visitor user interface and experience.
Label Printer: Label printer is required to print visitor badges.
System Diagram:
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.