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Tagged with: CRSC

CRSE0001 / CRSC0001

Reporting LEA must equal institution identifier of submitter User ID

CRSE0002 / CRSC0002

School must be a valid code in CDS and have an active CALPADS reporting relationship with the Reporting LEA


The State Educator ID # (SEID) must be a valid 10-digit SEID and exist in the Commission on Teacher Credentialing database as a current and valid number.

CRSE0122 / CRSC0122

Two or more of the same SEIDs (duplicate) must not be submitted as assigned to a single course section.

CRSE0123 / CRSC0123

If CTE Postsecondary Articulated Course Indicator = Y then a CTE State Course Code must be used.

Reference Course Group Master Combos Valid Combination

CRSE0126 / CRSC0126

State Course Code cannot be blank unless the LEA has used the CALPADS mapping function to provide a translation from the Local Course ID

CRSE0135 / CRSC0135

SEID must be a valid SEID in the CCTC file or SEID may equal 9999999999.

CRSE0201 / CRSC0201

School should be open during Academic Year reported

CRSE0220 / CRSC0220

Staff Demographic record should exist for a Course Section Record except when the SEID equals 9999999999

CRSE0231 / CRSC0231

Each of the following fields must have identical values in all records with the same CRS-Local Course ID: - CRS-State Course Code - CRS-Course Name - CRS-Course Content Code - CRS-NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code - CRS-CTE Technical Preparation Course Indicator - CRS-UC CSU Approved Indicator


Field length does not match Calpads File Specifications

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